Phoenix1933 #conspiracy
Re: Trump pulls USA out of Paris climate deal
(If you claim to be an educated and cognitively aware member of the White race, and yet cannot identify the overwhelming evidence for anthropogenic climate change in today's environment, then do everyone a favour and give yourself an uppercut. Seriously.)
You're the one who's full of BS. You presented no evidence or logic or anything valid. You only spewed a lot of insults and emotions. If the evidence is so overwhelming then why didn't you present any of it? You talk like a libtard communist. You're not going to convince me of anything just by writing several paragraphs of nothing but insults. Do you even know any of the evidence that you claim is so overwhelming? I've listened to some videos debunking so-called "climate change." And I also have a scientific personality, which means I tend to take a scientific approach to many things. My personality type is INTJ and you can read about INTJ's. I've always loved science and I know that "climate change" is BS that was designed by the jews as a trick to promote their world government plans. I've taken classes in physics, chemistry, calculus, and other advanced math subjects. You're calling the wrong person an ignorant hick.
There actually isn't any good evidence for a "climate change" problem.
You say there's so much great evidence for it but obviously, you don't even know what you're talking about.
Here's one huge thing to consider: If climate change is so real and so catastrophic, then WHY are they allowing China, India and other countries to keep increasing their pollution until 2030 in the Paris Accord? If it were so real and so bad, then the leaders of the world would take this thing seriously and demand that all major polluting nations drastically cut their pollution. But they're NOT taking it seriously. They never have!
I saw an episode of Nova well over 10 years ago. They said we had 10 years to reverse global warming or else the Earth would be irreversibly doomed. The disaster never happened. Also the idea of Global Warming turned out to be wrong, so they changed the name to "Climate Change," which is an idiotic, meaningless name since climate always changes.