dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com
Commenting on an article posted entitled "10-year-old boy claims reincarnation" and replying to another member who posited "I'd there are two possibilities -- either demonic influences or fraud.":
My guess it is demonic influences over the children.
Many children have stated that small children have come to visit them as ghosts.
One little boy said the little girl that he sees has glowing green eyes and has claws that scratch his dad.
The dad was pushed down the stairs too.
That isn't a sweet little lost ghost child....... it is a demon that is presenting itself as a child in order to TAKE OVER or influence the living child.
The bible is clear.....it says that we die ONCE and then we are judged.
Hebrews 9:27 Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment