To quote a friend of mine, "If America is foolish enough to elect Obama our president, it gets just what it deserves and will soon pay high consequences."
How could someone vote for a man who refuses to put his hand over his heart win saying the Pledge and will not wear a American flag. Once he was being interviewed and they asked him about his faith and he said:
"I'm very proud of my Muslim faith," and the reporter replied:
"I thought you were a Christian?" and Obama said:
"Oh, yes, I am."
I'm not sure that is true, but if that is, that is disturbing.
No, that was a slip-up, he was talking about how people are always saying he's Muslim.
Like how people are always talking about God or the IPU or Harry Potter.
"I'm not sure that is true,"
Well maybe you should research it.
Eh, go ahead and vote against him.
I have other reasons I don't really care for Obama.
Yo numbnuts, standing with hands respectfully clasped in front of you is another 'traditional' stance when the pledge of allegiance is recited. It was how I did it when I was in the military, and at a military funeral, and prior to a sporting event, so FOAD.
"How could someone vote for a man who refuses to put his hand over his heart win saying the Pledge and will not wear a American flag. "
I'd sooner elect that man than the one who goes out of his way to pander to the sheep who believe those things are what makes someone a "True American®."
On the contrary, those things tell me that he has a mind of his own, and he's not just trying to kiss my ass.
In the 60's, the American flag pin was a symbol of right-wing politics and support for the Vietnam War. Flags popped up on the fenders of police cars, construction workers' hard hats and conservatives' bumper stickers. The implication was that they were the real Americans (shades of Sarah Palin?) and the anti-war people weren't. It's no coincidence that the producers of "All in the Family" always showed right-wing idiot Archie Bunker with his little flag pin on the lapel of his coat. It was right-wingers who took an American symbol and politicized it.
To quote a friend of mine, "If America is foolish enough to elect Obama our president, it gets just what it deserves and will soon pay high consequences."
You mean high consequences like improving americas standing in the world and improvements in americas economy as well as a politics less govrned by christian fundamentalism?
Yes, I assume that´s the price america has to pay if it elects Obama as president. And I assume the people who vote for Obama are willing to pay this price ;)
...I'm not sure that is true, but if that is, that is disturbing.
If you aren´t sure then it probably isn´t true ;)
So let's see, if wearing the symbol as a piece of jewelry is what indicates you allegiance, then all the drug dealers, protitutes, and alcoholics down here who proudly display the cross must be true christians, while all those who don't wear the cross must not be, even though they probably feel that to wear it as a piece of jewelry is a bit blasphemous. So sure, Obama must not be a true american.
How could someone vote for a man who refuses to put his hand over his heart win saying the Pledge
By taking a ballot paper, and ticking the box next to his name.
Like that time Jesus said to his congregation
"oh yeah! praise Buddha!!!" and they replied
"I thought you were a christian?" and Jesus said
"oh, yes, I am a Me-ian"
I'm not sure that is true, but if that is, that's awesome...
How could someone vote for a man who refuses to put his hand over his heart win saying the Pledge and will not wear a American flag.
I stood in front of the electronic voting machine and touched the screen where it said BARACK OBAMA. It wasn't that difficult.
The flag thing was a total Republican red-meat stunt played to con the idiots in on an lame un-American con. Worked on this brain dead example.The Republicans all decided to wear these American flag pins and DEMAND the Democrats should to, because Democrats just fucking should take orders from Republicans who had just fucked the economy and public trust.
Lapel pins made in China BTW, how more 'Merican can ya get?
I'm Canadian and I see this up here to, flying the Canadian flags all over stores and middle to upper classes neighborhoods. Hey idiots, we know where we are! Can you escape the American flag in congress or goverment offices? You'd have to work at not having them in the picture.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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