Matt Barber #fundie
[On a report issued by the American College of Pediatricians, a conservative organization founded in protest against the American Association of Pediatrics' support for adoption by same-sex couples:]
[N]otwithstanding the politically driven "LGBT" agenda that pretends otherwise, those who suffer with "gender dysphoria" disorder will stay, as born, either male or female, whether or not they play dress up, sterilize themselves and destroy healthy reproductive organs.
Hence, it's of little surprise that, tragically, of those who put themselves through this imaginary "transition," 41 percent will subsequently attempt suicide.
Still, this "progressive" socio-political scheme moves quickly from merely pitiable and delusional to ghastly and abusive when children are the targets - when selfish adults exploit sexually confused young people by feeding their "gender" delusion and pumping them full of dangerous hormones, or otherwise surgically mutilating and sterilizing them for life via so-called "gender reassignment surgery."
In order to address the growing momentum of this harmful, gender-bending, pseudo-scientific quackery, a number of America's leading medical experts on the subject have finally weighed in. "The American College of Pediatrics (ACPeds) urges educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex. Facts - not ideology, determine reality," they warn.
Let's take it a step further. The "gender" phenomenon is, in the larger sense, an artificial and anti-theist-tainted social construct. It's an overt act of fist-shaking rebellion against the laws of nature and nature's God. [...] [T]he ACPeds report goes on to identify this so-called "gender ideology" for exactly what it is: "Child abuse."
There you have it. "Gender ideology" is child abuse - empirically and irrefutably. Isn't it high time, at least where minors are concerned and as a matter of public policy, that we begin treating it as such?
If such abuse were associated with anything other than the "LGBQT" political special interests, we already would have."