The real enemy is Satan. He's the one that possesed Mohamad and caused him to come up with this anti- Christain, anti-Jewish & anti everybody else religion. Allah may be the god of the jihad, but it's Satan that is behind this false god called Allah. The Mullahs all know that as long as Isreal and the Jewish people exist, their religion is in danger of being exposed as false. Why? Because Isreal and the Jewish people are proof that the God of the Bible is the one true God, not Allah, the god of the Koran. The god of the Koran is the god of the jihad. The God of the Bible is absolute good, and therefore absolute moral perfection and absolute uncondional love. He is also absolute life, absolute light, absolute power, absolute knowledge, absolute wisdom, absolute understanding. He is also the perfect genleman and will not force Himself upon anyone (unlike the demon that forced itself upon Mohamad in the cave where he is suposed to have received his many "revalations", which ultimately lead to the writing of the Koran).
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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