Gerhard #fundie
Perfect Love: don't be so patronising, please. I am well aware of the difference between love and sex and, more importantly, loving sex. Surely, it is up to the individual to calculate any risks they choose to take in life, not up to you - and that counts for all risks, not just in regard to sexuality. Would you condemn smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol in the same way? Personally, I think cigarette smoking is disgusting, as well as a major health risk but as long as it doesn't pollute my air space or that of vulnerable people, I have to affirm another's right to smoke - they know the risks to themselves. Likewise with alcohol and other drugs - if using them impacts negatively on others (and it often does) then it is wrong - some might label it a sin. The common denominator here is consent. I should imagine that there's a whole host of risky stuff that some heterosexuals do in the bedroom which their bodies were not actually designed for. Where does that figure on your list of abominations??
The arrogance of conservative Christians is that they believe that only THEY know the difference between right and wrong. Let me correct them: it is printed on our hearts when we accept Jesus. It is just not OK to say that the Bible contradicts what Jesus has printed on our hearts. To do so is clearly viewing the Bible through a human lens and not the lens of Jesus.
Gerhard: Guess you need a PhD to understand the simplest of instructions. If you do not understand the the abuse of the female body is equally detestable but need explicit instructions to figure that one out, then tell me why the bible does not tell you to breathe in and to breathe out but you do so. Clearly you must have been told :-)
I do not know what tatoo you got on your heart, but your understanding of Jesus appears rather limited He clearly taught people to respect creation. He told us to sin no more and to love one another like he loved us. That would exclude to dishonour each other by performing unnatural acts.
Romans 1:24
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves.
Guess you need more explicit wording
see more
Perfect Love: did you respond to my intelligent and articulate post in any way?? That would be a resounding "no"! Pathetic!
Gerhard: "did you respond to my intelligent and articulate post in any way?"
I replied to your last comment. Which post do you think of?
Perfect Love: no, you didn't. You never even referred to the comments I made. I'm blocking you as you are a loose cannon.
Gerhard: Good luck sticking your head in the sand. Guess that is libertarian Christianity for you :-) I'd wish you would engage in logically coherent argumentation instead.
You asked if abominations were acceptable if committed by heterosexual couples and you should have seen the clear "no" in my reply.
Abominations do not become acceptable when two parties agree to them with each other, irrespective of theri sexual orientation