Dutch Sheets #fundie charismanews.com

5) God is not finished with America.

I believe America will survive the judgment. I still believe we will experience a great revival—a Third Great Awakening—followed by a great reformation. If this occurs, it will turn America back to God and save us from total apostasy and destruction. A revival of this magnitude is our only hope! This revival will not stop the judgment, but will occur in spite of the judgment. Indeed, it may happen in part because of the judgment. But I, and other trusted leaders I know, have very strong promises from God regarding the coming of this revival. God will turn us back to Himself. While commenting on this decision, Jennifer LeClaire, senior editor of Charisma, shares a strong word of hope she received from the Lord a few years back.[5] It is well worth reading.

God loves this generation, and he loves the millions of unsaved people in America and throughout the earth. He needs an America in right relationship with Him in order to reap this potential harvest. A great revival will restore to us this amazing destiny. Do not be deceived; the war for the soul of America is linked to this greatest harvest of souls in all of history.

I have written a small book outlining why I believe this revival is coming.[6] Perhaps more importantly, it describes how the awakening will be generated. The book is an easy read and is filled with great hope for America. It explains how our nation was actually born through a movement of prayer, under the banner of a flag flown during the American war for independence. This flag, commissioned by George Washington and flown over our naval ships and battlefields, had emblazoned across the top: An Appeal To Heaven.

If America ever needed another Appeal To Heaven movement, it is now! Let's create one! There is still a window of time, but it is closing fast. Let's cry out for mercy and grace, appealing to heaven for a third great awakening.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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