It Wasnt nails that hung Him to the cross... #fundie

Abortion is murder, no matter what.
It does not matter what the kid may have when he or she is born, the point is that he or she will have a CHANCE at living a life.
A family in my church had a baby a few years ago, and the doctors told them to abort him, telling them that he wasnt going to live when he was born. The told the doctor that they would NEVER do anything like that because God gave them that baby, therefore God wanted them to have that baby.
Guess what?? The doctor's were wrong, when he was born, he didnt die. He had open heart surgery almost emediatly after his birth. He is now two and a half, and is living a great and happy life.
Abortion is murder, God wouldnt have given you a baby if he wanted you to just go and kill him or her. A baby is a gift from God, why must people think it is OK to kill God's gifts??
I disagree with you when you said some things may be necessary, abortion is NEVER necessary.



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