More women need to know there is more to abortion than meets the eye. I was assigned to work in an abortion clinic as a social work student many years ago and is see abortion as a real act of violence against women. Maybe more women should not let the men have their way with them. Why even RISK putting yourself in such a position?
I'm willing to bet you're either lying or the "abortion clinic" was really a place like Birthright that pressures women to carry at all costs.
Which yeah, that's really bad for women.
"there is more to abortion than meets the eye"
Yup, each time a girl aborts her brat, Starscream bakes a cookie batch.
JDV: "Maybe more women should not let the men have their way with them."
Not JDV: "Parents also should start raising their sons NOT to believe stuff like 'pussy is a prize' and that if a guy is still a virgin, say, by the time he turns 20, leaving his teens behind, then "LOSER!!""
JDV (personally offended): "Listen to me very carefully: MEN's freedom on this subject must be as unrestricted as possible because MEN *NEED* SEX! In a way *women* DON'T!! So it's FEMALE freedom that must be limited!"
I was assigned to work in an abortion clinic as a social work student many years ago
Oh no you weren't. If you were you wouldn't think that abortion is an act of violence against women, because every woman who gets an abortion does so willingly. There aren't roving bands of men kidnapping pregnant women off the street, shoving them into a van, and driving them to abortion clinics against their will.
" I was assigned to work in an abortion clinic as a social work student many years ago and is see abortion as a real act of violence against women"
Somehow I doubt this is true that you would ever work there. And of course you would see it that way. It's how you would justify trying to control women. That's what the forced birth/anti choice movement is.
" Maybe more women should not let the men have their way with them."
Fetuses are robots in disguise? All the more reason to get them out of there. All those sharp edges and protrusions just aren't safe for the mother. I mean imagine if it tried to transform inside. Poor woman would be pulped from the inside, out! And I cam't imagine all that fluid is doing the little Autobabby's parts any favors anyway.
Another case of Argumentum ex Schnobelenum (What I call 'Lying For The Lord' in the manner of William Schnobelen, Mike Warnke, Rebecca Brown, etc.)
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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