I have something to tell you: the world is not over populated have you ever driven across texas, how 'bout Kansass(sp?). If it's to crowed where you live then move. actually all the world's population all six billion people could fit in the state of jacksonville(sp?) florida twice and they could also drown In loch ness all at the same time Now tell me if that's over crowded?
Now, what happens if everyone moves into these empty spaces? Where is all of that lovely food that you eat going to come from to support all of these extra people, especially when some of this land is farmland that you'll be taking down?
I'm so sick of this. I don't know if this is fundie or not but I'm sick of this. You can't fill the world up until every part of the globe is filled with people for very obvious reasons. People need space to grow food, and then there's nature conservation. And why not move out of your own little world and visit China or India, each countries have a billion people.
You're right, the world is not overcrowded... it's overpopulated , which is different.
Actually, it's debatable that it's even overpopulated yet, but it's not far off it.
Um... by overcrowded, we mean the ability of the earth to sustain such a large population, not the density. We, as animals, require enormous resources to sustain per capita. We're swiftly reaching the ultimate peak of the earth's ability to provide, with only science as a buffer. If, at any point our population reaches the point beyond which we can sustain ourselves, you will see wars unlike any known in history. If we push the earth into cataclysmic environmental decline, you'll see death worse than imagined in your revelations... with no hope for heavenly reprieve.
So get off you sky-daddy worshiping butt and learn how to use contraceptives and think independently from a bronze age text as interpreted by your hick pastor. Learn the basics of science and pass the word.
As the bear said, "Only you can prevent humanity's ultimate demise." I'm paraphrasing, of course.
"actually all the world's population all six billion people could fit in the state of jacksonville(sp?) florida twice "
But then it is just like spring break down there with everyone is laying on top of someone else and...hmmmmm......
There is a reason why Trantor is not a real place.
Neither, for that matter, is the State of Jacksonville, FL, although I wouldn't mind if the city in Virginia where I live were a separate state.
So it's now 'texas', 'Kansass', the state of jacksonville'?
Don't some people ever go beyond their own front gate?
What this ignorance is telling me is plain and simple. This person hasn't a clue what they are writing about. If you can't even get the spelling of your home-country's places right, then forget the rest of the world. You are out of your depth.
Given that much of the discussion is on how God is "calling" people to have lots of children, and people should just pump them out until God stops them by making them miscarry, I'm going to go ahead and call it fundie.
First of all, WRONG. Second, just because every square inch of land is not populated does not mean it SHOULD be. >:[
@Knotilus: I love that argument. I mean, God called on me and others to NOT have any children, so...?
885 mi^2 in Jacksonville...
6,602,224,175 people in the world...
That means we each get a very roomy .0013 cm^2 to live in. I think Saber's stats might be off a bit.
However, he was pretty close to right on the Lock Ness thing. Lock Ness has 7.4x10^9 M^3 of water, which would mean we each got 1.12 M^3 to drown in. Not easy, but doable.
I think the real problem is that, like many of you have already pointed out, it's not the US that has overpopulation issues (at least not yet), but there certainly are parts of the world that do.
Actually, I have driven across Kansas. It is filled with wheat fields, which is an essential component of human civilization.
No wheat fields, no cities. So knocking over the farms in Kansas to store more people isn't really a solution to anything.
We disagree on overpopulation, but regardless, the world definitely isn't populated by keen spellers...
By the way, have YOU ever "driven across" China?
There's more in the world than Texas and Kansas.
I used to work with a guy who had a stay-at-home wife, 11 kids, and another on the way. He was an IT technician, so you know he was not raking in the big bucks. Two of his oldest kids came to work for the same company and their earnings were given to him to help support the family. The mother bought fabric by the bolt and sewed their clothes and everybody dressed alike. The girls wore corduroy jumpers and coordinated cotton blouses. The boys got shirts made out of the same fabric as the blouses, as did the Dad, and they wore jeans. They could not afford to buy clothing for the kids, and the jumpers and blouses were "modest" to an almost antiquated degree.
I asked the oldest daughter one day why the family was so large (Mom was preggers again) if the Dad had so much difficulty supporting them. She replied that they would "welcome" as many children as God would send them, and when she got married, she intended to do the same.
As I recall, Andrea and Rusty Yates had a similar mindset. This is Fundyism at its core...to produce more children than you can adequately feed and clothe (Dad would take home the leftover food from our Friday beer bashes for the kids) because some musty old book says "be fruitful and multiply." Arguments regarding overpopulation (regardless of scale) fall on deaf ears with these people.
Therefore I vote Saber1 to not only be excruciatingly stupid, but thick and Fundie as well.
That does it, i'm getting myself snipped.
It should really be Saber who has to do it, but if it'll help in minimising the damage that this stupid-as-pig-shit mentality is wreaking on the planet, then I suppose it must be done.
I mean for Christ's sake people, give it some thought. If you couldn't make a difference to the world with 100% of your genes, what makes you think mixing half of them with another person's will be a good idea?
"animals, require enormous resources"
Damn straight... We should evolve into plants!
I'll get the concrete and heavy-duty solar panels.
True, overcrowding is limited to a few Geographic areas, like Northern India and Manhattan.
But for the love of God, don't condemn all of humanity to live in Jacksonville!
I would argue it is fundie. The forum itself is clearly fundie, and I submit this next post:
saber1: I do. You see germeny(sp?) Is losing it's population becuase more people are dying then being born. plus how many kids are being aborted every day? we need to have enough kids so are world doesn't run out of people!
"It's not Fundie, but it's dumb."
I count this as fundie because I've noticed that the only dumbasses who say this also happen to be creationists. I've heard this crap from my father.
You are joking right? You do realise those parts of Texas you drove through are dessert, and not suitable for human habitation? If not, why don't you just move to the Mojave, Gobi or Sahara dessert and see how you fare.
As for the other 'empty spaces', just where the f**k do you think crops are grown, you friggin' moron!
Wow, this guy just copied the words of Kent Hovind verbatim LOL.
Eevn if all the world's population can fit into the the city of Jacksonville, each individual would then only have 5x5 meters (or was it feet?) of space to occupy.
Well, if we fill up all the farmland with people, isn't the foodsource obvious?
Soylent green for everyone!
Play some Civilization. Build loads of cities as close to each other as you can (actually, even in Civ they can't be closer to each other than three squares, but maybe you'll figure out why) and try to get your population to not starve.
Now try doing that in the real world. Same damn effect.
You cannot fill farmland, factories, wharehouses, business, streets, lakes, oceans, ponds, rivers, mountains (mostly), and other such places with people. People have to inhabit homes (ideally) and homes require space separate from all other things that also require space. We can't possibly feed everyone when we've built homes to cover all of the farming land you fucking twits! Yes there are some undevoloped areas that are currently used for jack shit, but those areas are generally few and far between and most of the time to develop them we have to tear down forests and destroy ecosystems. There's absolutely no reason to make the Earth more populated than it is already.
I think all fundies should be moved to the North Pole over winter, plenty of room. Nice White (Godly) environment. Then the rest of us can crank up the global warming and ......Problem solved.
fundamentalists delenda est
It's not just room for the people.
Those people need to eat, and they need clean water to drink.
Food takes room to grow, fertilizer and water.
Clean fresh water is a finite commodity.
You FAIL at geography.
Human beings require more in the way of natural resources than the volume of space they physically occupy at any given time. They need land to grow food. They need room to store waste. They need clean water, etc., etc.
This guy should try living in a coffin until he revises his calculations.
I'm pretty sick of hearing that argument...even if all those people can physically fit in one state, that doesn't mean they'd be able to live very well. Unless you'd enjoy a world without any room to put crops, livestock, factories, houses, etc, and we all just sort of slept outside on bunk beds directly next to each other and pissed where we slept.
I understand taht Americans like to do stuff their own way, like the Imperial system, gun laws and policing the world, but is Jacksonville a state? So's Detroit and Portland, too.
Oh, and not fundie, just stupid. 2.
Nah, this is not religous nuttery in defience of the facts.
While it might be difficult to sustain a much greater population with 20th Century technology, this is no longer the 20th Century.
Even assuming that in defience of past experience, we don't get a new technology that is currently unforseen, we still have plausible technologies in view, such as genetic engineering, several varieties of energy production, nanotechnology and materials science that can vastly increase the carrying capacity of the planet.
Soylent Green is supposedly only 14 years away, but all the Western Nations actually have shrinking populations when immigration is excluded.
Julian Simon won all his bets.
This is not a popular opinion, but is a justifiable one.
Lol, the loch ness monster would be so happy to read this if she was carnivorous. Fuck Obama, Vote Stique!
Epic, monumental, cataclysmic fail.
Have you ever tried to drive a car in Tokyo?
Some places are crowded, other are rather empty. There are more people in London (England) than in the whole of Sweden, for example.
The area is not the problem, it's the resources the Earth can produce; the food, the water, the air. And the amount of waste it can handle, both bodily waste and garbage, and pollution.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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