[...] A creationist scientist is bound by religious conviction to be honest with himself and others about the evidences of science. For a creationist scientist, lying about or intentionally misrepresenting evidence for or against evolution would be a serious sin. However, there is no such safeguard for evolutionist scientists. Without religious conviction, they are left with only intellectual conviction, which the world demonstrates is often weak when passions come into play.
[...] We have seen a number of haxes generated by non-believer evolutionists. There has not been to my knowledge a hoax generated by a creationist scientist.
There has not been to my knowledge a hoax generated by a creationist scientist.
You clearly missed their whole "the world was created roughly 6,000 years ago" scam.
I might ask who you think found out the hoax's. the scienices {sp?} you idiot. In fact,in one case that creationist use as a bad example a tooth that had been declared human turned out to be from a prehistoric wild pig. Who was it who figured it out? The man who had id'ed it as human in the first place. He went public and said, sorry about the, but I make boo-boo. You will find a creationist admiting to error.
Of course I believe in God.
I just had a word with him.
He says you are an idiot.
As far as I know, Creationism simply cannot exist because the huge majority of 'evidence' used by Creationists comes from the bible and largely false or outdated claims, or pu guesswork. The regular process scientists go through to present an idea, experimentation and peer reviewing, is non-existant for creationist theories and for good reason. Any tiny bit for the mountain of evidence supporting evolution can easily destroy creationism.
So no, Creation scientists are bound by the fact they must produce 'results' in line with creationist theories, whatever the cost, making them biased and unfit to be a member of any academic society.
This is one common habit of fundies that's always pissed me off.
"In theory, we should be more honest and good then you. So, we are. No need to look at the facts.
You've got numbers on this? Facts? *sticks fingers in ears* LA! LA! LA! JESUS! JESUS! JESUS!"
"We have seen a number of hoaxes generated by non-believer evolutionists. There has not been to my knowledge a hoax generated by a creationist scientist."
I can think of three off the top of my head:
1. The Bible
2. The Koran
3. The Torah
" There has not been to my knowledge a hoax generated by a creationist scientist."
Yes, technically polished turds don't count as hoaxes. They've found the best way to not generate hoaxes: by generating nothing and being the hoax themselves.
> For a creationist scientist, lying about or intentionally misrepresenting evidence for or against evolution would be a serious sin.
Then why do you lie?
> However, there is no such safeguard for evolutionist scientists.
There is no need for scientists to lie, since they aren't trying to save a sinking ship.
> We have seen a number of haxes generated by non-believer evolutionists.
And they were also debunked by evolutionists.
> There has not been to my knowledge a hoax generated by a creationist scientist.
I'm not quite convinced. Here's a list of relevant bullshit arguments used by creationists (note: ALL of these came from CMI's list of arguments NOT to use):
* Moon-Dust thickness proves a young moon.
* NASA found a missing day
* NASA faked the moon landings.
* The Japanese trawler Zuiyo Maru caught a dead plesiosaur near New Zealand.
* If we evolved from apes, why are there still apes today?
* Women have one more rib than men.
* Archaeopteryx is a fraud.
* There are no beneficial mutations.
* No new species have been produced.
* Earth’s axis was vertical before the Flood.
* Paluxy tracks prove that humans and dinosaurs co-existed.
* Archaeologists have found skeletons (and footprints) of giant human beings.
* Darwin’s quote about the absurdity of eye evolution from Origin of Species.
* The Septuagint records the correct Genesis chronology.
* The phrase science falsely so called’ in 1 Timothy 6:20 (KJV) refers to evolution.
* Ron Wyatt has found Noah’s Ark
* Ron Wyatt has found much archaeological proof of the Bible
* Many of Carl Baugh’s creation evidences’.
* Missing solar neutrinos prove that the sun shines by gravitational collapse, and is proof of a young sun.
* Einstein held unswervingly, against enormous peer pressure, to belief in a Creator.
* Canopy theory.
* Natural selection as tautology.
* Evolution is just a theory.
* There is amazing modern scientific insight in the Bible.
* The speed of light has decreased over time.
* There are no transitional forms.
* Gold chains have been found in coal.
* Plate tectonics is fallacious.
* Creationists believe in microevolution but not macroevolution.
"A creationist scientist is bound by religious conviction to be honest with himself and others about the evidences of science."
HAHAAAAA, pull the other one.
Kent Hovind
He tells scriptural stories that never happened.
He tells of personal occurrences that never happened.
He claim scientists have said things they've never said.
He claims a doctorate and uses the title yet his doctorate is unrecognized.
They call themselves scientists without ANY credentials and the method of their arguments are misrepresenting science.
There is no evidence against evolution, is there?
Evolutionist scientists (aka real scientists) have scientific conviction.
The Kitzmiller vs Dover trial found that cretinism isn't science.
"lying about or intentionally misrepresenting evidence for or against evolution would be a serious sin.”
Researchers for Answers in Genesis and ICR sign a letter promising they won’t publish any findings that dispute a literal reading of Genesis.
So if they find evidence of evolution, they won’t mention it, ever, which is misrepresenting the evidence for evolution. They PROMISE to do that.
“vHowever, there is no such safeguard for evolutionist scientists.”
Did you follow the ‘cold fusion’ fiasco at all? People published results that people couldn’t reproduce. Kind of a safeguard, there.
“Without religious conviction, they are left with only intellectual conviction, which the world demonstrates is often weak when passions come into play.”
Which is why the peer review process exists, to take feelings out.
"We have seen a number of haxes generated by non-believer evolutionists.”
Piltdown man was a hoax. By BELIVERS in evolution.
Archaoraptor was a hoax by someone out for money.
Nebraska man was a mistake, made and corrected by believers.
“There has not been to my knowledge a hoax generated by a creationist scientist.”
Just about everything Hovind publishes is utter rot, but it’s UR for JESUS.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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