I feel that this creature is much more evolved than most think. Many Native Americans looked at Sasquatch as having paranormal powers of invisibility and the ability to disappear, or de-materialize if threatened. I was reading an account in the book "Skinwalkers" by Colm Kelleher where two indian trackers witnessed a sasquatch running full steam, and looking over its shoulder as if it was being pursued by some unseen force. Suddenly, the sasquatch completely vanished, mid-stride, right before their eyes.
There have been many accounts of tracks that just come to an end, as if the being just stopped at a point, and no longer moved.
Yes, my theory is WAY out there, and no I can't prove anything, but my hunch on sasquatch is that it is a real being, that is much older as a species, much more intelligent and evolved than we think, and that it has the capabilities to slip in and out of this dimensional frequency of our reality.
This is the reason why I think no one will ever find bones or capture one. I'm sure I'll get flamed for this theory, but what the heck, makes for fun discussion of a fascinating subject. haha
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