"Just another blind atheist with flawed logic your link was worthless and made no sense whatsoever I don't care what happens to you and I don't care about your opinion either."
So should you be caught in a carwreck, in a twisted, mangled mess (and the car's a write-off too! >:D ), and you're sreaming in more than infinite pain for help, I'll just walk right past you. I don't care what happens to you and I don't care about your opinion either.
"The great thing being a Christian is even if I'm wrong what will happen? I'll just die and turn to dust but if I am right (Which I am) then I go to heaven and you... well you can continue on in arrogance and see what happens."
Or that you'll end up exactly like we Atheists, doing an impression of leftover pizza: Cold, clotted, and stuck to the bottom of a box.. Three words: Occam's Razor, bitch.
"It really is wonderful and no argument any blind Atheist could bring up could ever stop me from believing the truth the beautiful wonderful absolute truth of God Jesus and the Holy Spirit!"
One word can completely destroy so-called religious 'belief' & 'faith: Proof. I love the smell of annihilated arguments in the morning. Smells like... victory.
"Praise God and may Jesus come soon I will never allow any blind human to open a door to close minded atheist thinking even partially!"
Ex-Olympic gold medal-winning athlete and ex-long-time Christian Jonathan Edwards:
Your argument is invalid.
"God gives us exactly what we want if Atheists want to be separated from God forever in their own world for all eternity then so be it have fun ;)"
That computer of yours? It was given to you by this man, Alan Turing:
Enjoy your paradox, pukeminturdo. Oh, and as Turing was an Atheist and a homosexual. So guess who's having fun at your expense, eh?! >:D
"Also even if there was a "Big Bang" then who lit the fuse? ;) HAHA"
And who, pray, created the one who lit the fuse? The joke's on you! X3
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"Oh and welcome to my Ignore list TC because I really don't feel like reading any more opinions from satanists who are blind to the truth"
And the juggernaut that is scientific fact rolls inexorably on. Ignoring anything you fundies say & think, pal.