MaryMag #fundie
Obviously none here and there are exceptions, but despite all the drawbacks allowing men to think just because they take hormones and cut their you-know-what off they're women there are so many actual women that fully support them.
Yet allowing this causes so many negative drawbacks: Female sports is ruined as we have seen where trans women are allowed to compete with real women. They like to act as if they can speak on "women's issues". They end up artificially inflating the "women" in different jobs/careers, it just goes on and on.
I realize there are leftist men that support this garbage as well, but undoubtedly this negatively effects real women in a multitude of ways and yet so many support it. I have spoken to some women about it and according to them they fully support it even when I list the negatives, several just calling me a bigot/hateful person etc. Not friends with them but it angers me to no end.