Matt Walsh #fundie

It's time for all of us to understand that we are at war, and lives are at stake.

The enemy - the self-worshipping death cult known as modern liberalism - has become increasingly vile, violent, and deceitful, and so we must become increasingly bold, fearless, and aggressive in our response.

[Walsh links to and comments on the video of Emily Letts' abortion.]

Let you think that dear Emily represents the fringe of the abortion movement, consider that many mainstream leftwing blogs have seized on this video and passionately defended it. But, if you're paying attention, you already know that this woman is not on the fringe, because there is no fringe. All abortion advocacy is extremism. It is impossible to be moderately in favor of abortion, just as it is impossible to be moderately opposed to it. Seeking a middle ground on abortion is like searching for a middle ground on slavery or genocide. It doesn't exist, and those who wish to find it will inevitably end up in favor, and those in favor of murderous atrocities are always extremely in favor of murderous atrocities. Your acceptance - however moderate - of a deep and depraved evil, will color your soul in blackness, and send you barreling into a darkness that will utterly distort your moral compass, leading you to bow at the altar of the Culture of Death, where abortion is the highest sacrament.

Your conscience is not a lunch tray, with all the different components separated into their own compartments. Your conscience is a bucket, and everything you dump into it will mingle and mix with everything else. The point is, if you pour an acceptance of child murder into your bucket, it will poison everything else, and soon even the good parts will be colored and tainted by your tacit endorsement of violence against the innocent. It changes you, and how you see the world. This will happen. There is no way around it. Anyone who celebrates or endorses abortion, but then pretends to recoil at any other form of murder, is lying. They are lying to themselves, and to you. They are liars, and I will call them that, without apology.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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