Have you ever been to a "Megachurch."
Yes I have, and I ONLY went and tolerated it because of my stepmother, who is a wonderful, special lady. I just wish she wouldn't even ask me to go to church with her.
It's one of those evangelical churches, too. One very cringe-worthy time the priest was speaking about Genesis and said something to the effect of "...and we know we weren't created from monkeys of any kind!" and then "...the Earth is 6,000 years old! I don't care what some yahoos try to tell me! It's 6,000 years old and I'm sticking with it!"
People were laughing, clapping and cheering (including StepMom) and I just sat there shaking my head.
Thankfully that was only a few days I tolerated it, and I didn't give a single penny to that church. Hell no.
Have you ever seen a fist fight in one?
No I haven't, since I only went very few times. But what the hell makes you think fist-fights, and all the bitter emotions and thoughts behind them, just magically stop happening as soon as you step one foot into any kind of church's door? Case in point:
This, at a FUNERAL. How pathetic, guys. Seriously.
Have you seen how much money they get?
Yes, and the amount just sickens me to my stomach. Then they can hoard all that money because they're tax-exempt from some bullshit reason.
All that money that could be going to giving kids better school lunches that actually look like real food, not cafeteria crap. And some decent school psychologists, since our mental health system here in the U.S. is a total fucking joke.
Holy shit, not even to mention all the other benefits we adults could have - actually fixed roads, actually cheap college tuition and a totally improved welfare system! (That is if we could get the mega-CORPORATIONS to pay their damn share.)
If we just allow the preachers of these churches to have some time in our high schools, many of our problems will be solved.
Yeah, they'll see how much bullshit the overrated church is - not to mention how overrated and bullshit RELIGION in general is, and they'll strive to NEVER be like you dipshits. If they get smart enough about their country's situation, they might actually demand you pay your damn taxes, too! We can only hope...