Frank #fundie

[Comments on a story about two parents who kidnapped and bound their pregnant daughter, then drove her out of state in order to see that she have an abortion she didn't want, “You think if there were no way to get a legal abortion, her psychotic parents would just say 'Oh well, then, I guess you can have the baby.'”]

–Almost certainly the answer is yes. Would the parents like it? No. Would they kidnap their child and force an abortion if it were illegal? I most strongly doubt it. Come on, Watcher, don’t even try to deny it: In this country, morality follows the law. Too many people don’t say, “is it right?” They say, “is it legal?” and conform their behavior accordingly. People will generally obey the law in this country, whether the laws are moral or not. Merely allowing legal abortions sends the signal that abortion is morally acceptable. Conversely, criminalizing it sends the signal that it is not acceptable. If abortion is available, many will use pressure — psychological or otherwise — to compel its use when the need suits the person applying the pressure. If it is not available, and/or illegal, that does not occur.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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