Of course ID (unlike the tooth fairy and for that mater evolution) is supported by many credible scientists.
Depending on your definition of credible:
2. (a common but incorrect usage where 'credulous' would be appropriate) credulous; "she was not the...credible fool he expected"
Looking at the many holes in evolution, it’s easy to see why so many scientists (including Darwin himself) are abandoning the theory of evolution.
Well, in Alien Syndrome's favor, Darwin pretty much abandoned all thought when he died. Y'know, seeing as death includes the cessation of neural function.
Rovian, AdrienVeidt, one the numerous reasons I oppose evolution and the atheist movement is that it’s causing our society to spiral into a pit of degradation and self-destruction.
Again, in Alien Syndrome's favor, belief in evolution has sparked a great deal of destructive behavior in those who can't accept documented evidence.
Religious or not, you have to acknowledge the importance of Christianity in this country and that it keeps it together as it has done for hundreds of years.
Yes, because Christianity keeps people together, as was proven in Salem...
I’m just supporting logic and open-mindedness over the pseudoscience and bigotry of the left.
Well, let's see. Logic says that either A) all of the evidence of evolution supports the theory, or B) all of the evidence of evolution was planted by God, the Devil, or Some Guy With A Time Machine. OMG! We've been invaded by a Gallifreian practical joker! Orrrrrr, y'know, using Occam's Razor, evolution is supported by the evidence.
Open-mindedness means being capable of examining new kinds of thought without dismissing them out of hand. You fail at that, as well.
Pseudoscience: Taking something with no scientific evidence and presenting it as a type of science. That, uh, sounds like the "theory" of Intelligent Design to me...
Bigotry... where do I START?!