The War on Terror quickly deteriorated into a war OF terror...with the U.S. employing just as monstrous methods as they were allegedly fighting. So yeah, I'm against it, particularly because it achieves nothing but an escalating body count.
Terri Schiavo. Was. Dead. She was alive merely by the grace of the machines she was hooked up to, which, by the way, were bankrupting her husband. She was trapped in a prison that was her body, and I, for one, can think of no worse of a fate to endure. The only thing I fault her husband on was dragging it out as long as he did. She deserved to be freed from the hell that was forced upon her.
If you don't want an abortion, don't get one. There are women not capable of having children, be it mentally, or physically. Ectopic pregnancies kill both mother AND child, if not aborted. No woman should have to carry a child she doesn't want, and frankly, why would you force a child to endure that? As for adoption, the system has far too many children to give a proper home to as it'd further bog it down, to appease stone age morality?
What makes Gay marriage wrong, aside from the icky factor? All it strikes me as, is you guys guarding your little clubhouse. You can slander it, muddy it, call it what you is love. A gay couple loves as purely and as strong as a straight couple. Why should we be denied wht you guys take for granted?
So yeah, if this makes me Islamic, what...the fuck...ever.