Again, dissenters of creationism answer these questions by classifying ID as a religion, and further saying that religion belongs in homes and churches. Says who? They answer: The First Amendment and the separation of church and state bans ID from entering classrooms in any form. What they don't realize, however, is their conclusion is a constitutional misinterpretation and bastardization of the First Amendment. It was written and adopted, among other reasons, so that Congress would neither establish a federal religion nor restrict religious or speech freedoms, which can include not barring religious instruction in the classrooms.
Hey, I have no objection to ID being taught in a philosophy or a theology class. Those are the places for it.
Irrational thought has no place in a science curriculum.
Yes, ID could be taught in schools in a Comparative Religion class, as long as Christian Mythology is taught along with the Greek gods and goddesses and other religions.
ID has no place, however, in a biology or physics class.
I'm almost afraid to refute this, but here goes:
Chuck Norris, you are not a constitutional scholar. You're not even a lawyer, so I suggest you avoid telling us about First Amendment law.
The Establishment Clause is designed to keep the government from setting up a religion of its own. That includes having a religion that can be taught as fact in schools.
Unlike you Chuck, I am a lawyer. And I also happen to know a few things about American history.
The quotes you used in your article are irrelevant, because nothing similar to the modern public school system existed in the time of the Founding Fathers. So to suggest that they would have supported teaching religion in state-operated, taxpayer-funded schools is nothing more than a baseless assertion.
Oooh, Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris doesn't wear a watch. He decides what time it is.
Chuck Norris sleeps with a pillow under his gun.
Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.
Chuck Norris can suck my nuts.
"Congress would neither establish a federal religion nor restrict religious or speech freedoms, which can include not barring religious instruction in the classrooms. "
Then we can teach biology in your churches?
Or teach Islam in schools?
I wonder what part of the human brain must be removed to allow a person to imagine a country where:
1. Religious proclamations adorn every courthouse and statehouse;
2. The same religion's beliefs are taught in public schools;
3. Public officials are required to swear an oath of office on that religion's holy book;
4. Scientific facts are censored according to that religion's doctrine;
5. Certain medical procedures and drugs are banned based on that same religion's dictates;
6. Some kinds of consensual sex acts between adults are banned for religious reasons;
7. The currency bears a religious motto; and
8. Schoolchildren are forced to swear an oath of allegiance congenial to that same religion.
...and somehow see no state religion?
Yes, religion can be barred from classrooms; classrooms in public schools are supported by the public. Meaning, everyone pays for them, regardless of their religion. Therefore, everyone has a right to use them, regardless of their religion. The Buddhist down the street, the Muslim on the other end of the block, the Catholic on the corner, the atheist through the back yard. They all have a right to use that school and not have their children's head filled with the teachings of Christianity. They pay for that education, just as you.
So, send your kid to a religious school if you want religious based curriculum. Leave the public schools to the public; all of the public.
Chuck Norris should be using his awesome roundhouse-kick powers AGAINST the Intelligent Design proponents.
The fact that such a terrifying weapon as Chuck Norris has gone rogue and become a Creationist tool means we had better get our bomb shelters ready....
He's such an ignorant piece of white trash inbred dogshit that he doesn't realize that government-run schools are run by the government.
So when do we get to execute dominionists for treason? Do we have to wait until they run the entire government, and then have another revolution?
I hate to say this, but: Chuck Norris just failed.
Chuck Norris, I am afraid you have just lost whatever internetz you may have accumulated in the past (if any). And, unfortunately, the collective internet community is obliged to retract any meme relating to you and to pretend that they never existed.
I am sorry, but we cannot support your fundie ego in good conscience, and the cyberspace version of reality is obliged to strip you of any cyber reinforcement that you would receive for this manic behavior until you are succesfully weaned from it, and return to your obscure status within society. Only then can we can reacknowledge your status as an outdated meme, and as a mediocre Hollywood personality. But, for now, you are banished to reside in obscurity and PHAIL. Luckily, you have come across the perfect location for just that with WND. Thumbs up for that.
Do these fucks really want public school teachers to have government authority to shove whatever version of religion they want down the throats of children?
I guess they do, huge government bastards.
ID isn't science. "Goddidit" isn't science.
Science, Chuck, is the study of causes and effects in the real world.
Really, why don't you roundhouse kick yourself in the head a couple times? You know, like the good old Air Police general maintenance procedures?
Teaching religion is one thing, and in a religious class it is perfectly acceptable. Teaching it as fact or science, on the other hand, is wholly unacceptable. "Goddidit" as the answer to every question will not equip a child for real life, anyway.
Chuck should stick to acting - which is saying something. I've seen trees with better thespian skills.
Says who?
The courts have repeatedly ruled that creationism and its bastard child ID are not science. The defenders of these ideas had their chance to demonstrate them as science, and they failed, miserably. If they are not science, they do not belong in a science class.
The courts are one of the foundations of American society. They are one of the things you were pretending to fight to preserve in those gawd-awful movies you made in the 80's and that silly TV show where you played a Texas ranger.
Creationism is religion; dressing it up in faux sciency-looking clothes doesn't make it science, it's still religion.
Religion belongs in Religion classes, and these classes ought to teach facts about all the major religions, without taking sides one way or the other. IF one particular religion were promoted by schools above the rest, it would be a violation, as a federal religion would then have been established.
Instructions in the classroom should be centered around and based on facts, not freedom of speech.
"Congress would neither establish a federal religion nor restrict religious or speech freedoms, which can include not barring religious instruction in the classrooms."
Um, Chuck,,,,
"would neither establish a federal religion"
Publicly funded schools can't promote a religion, the goverment must, Constitutionally, not promote a religion.
Chuck,,,stop with this.
“Again, dissenters of creationism answer these questions by classifying ID as a religion, and further saying that religion belongs in homes and churches. Says who?”
Well, SCIENCE is defined as not having supernatural elements, so ID isn’t science,
and they proved at Kitzmiller that the ID textbook quoted the creationist textbook, so the authors of the Textbook say so.
And if it’s religion, it has to be separated from government, that Constitution says so.
" The First Amendment… speech freedoms, which can include not barring religious instruction in the classrooms.”
Nope. THAT is a misinterpretaton. You want to violate church/state separation by climing it’s free speech. You can’t pick and choose off the Constitution. It’s not a buffet to support only the parts you want, like the Bible is treated…
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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