(a nice secular fundie)
Christians who believe in evolution are even worse than the fundies who reject it. (I'm speaking of those who believe we decended from apes and that dinosaurs existed before man--not the ones who only admit that genes change over time but there is no speciation)
You know and admit there are lies in your book yet you believe it anyway. You're cherry picking your God's word? What gives you the right to do that?
The truth is that you're too affraid to give it up because you have no real meaning in your lives and/or because you're scared of retribution from a source you only kind of, sort of, believe in.
At least fundies are consistantly retarded. You're just weak.
Thank you for pointing out that fundie atheists can be just as arrogant, ignorant and stupid as fundie Christians.
Christians who believe in evolution are even worse than the fundies who reject it. (I'm speaking of those who believe we decended from apes and that dinosaurs existed before man--not the ones who only admit that genes change over time but there is no speciation)
Why? Why are they worse?
Are they trying to get evolution dismissed from the school curriculum and pushing Crationism/ID instead?
Are they rampaging around the streets/ the internet/ college campuses screeching at anyone who will listen (and even anyone who won't) that EVILution is the cause of the "mass moral decline in our society" and responsible for the actions of Hitler, Stalin etc?
Are they attempting to indoctrinate the masses with ridiculous stories about a global flood and the earth being 6000 years old, and telling anybody who doesn't believe it that they'll burn forever in hell?
You know and admit there are lies in your book yet you believe it anyway. You're cherry picking your God's word? What gives you the right to do that?
no ignoramous, non-fundie Christians don't see them as lies, but parables, lessons about how people should live their lives. Besides, fundies cherry pick just as much as liberal/moderate theists do, they ignore parts of the Bible which don't fit their agenda so this is just bullshit.
Besides, if they're not tyring to force their religion on you, what gives you the right to judge them? What business is it of yours?
The truth is that you're too affraid to give it up because you have no real meaning in your lives and/or because you're scared of retribution from a source you only kind of, sort of, believe in.
For the final time..
Evolution does not prove, nor disprove the existance of a God. Whether one believes in a God or not, is a matter of opinion. Just because you think that these are the only reasons why a person might believe in God does not mean everybody else does too.
At least fundies are consistantly retarded. You're just weak
Spoken like a true fundie. Grow up idiot!
Do you know what happens?, that we do not take the Bible LITERARILLY. We understand that the book was written for and by bedouin shepperds, but we think too, that there is some truth behind. That´s not pick and choose, I do it with the Greek philosophers too or with the scientists whose theories have had to be modified.
I do not agree that ToE accepting Xians are worse than Fundies, nor do I accuse them of having "no real meaning" in their lives, but other than that, I'm pretty much in agreement with TSK. I don't find the milder, more politically correct forms of Xianity much more reasonable than fundamentalism.
All Christians pick out what they want to from the Bible and dismiss the rest - believing what they want to believe (including the fundies who say "the Bible is inerrant").
I do consider science and religion as mutually exclusive (rationally, anyway), because if you accept the premises of the first one (which involves believing only through objective evidence), then you have to dismiss the second.
Of course, calling them WORSE isn't true - I'll take the more rational theists any day.
I don't think this is so awful, honestly. It's not stated all that eloquently, but it's pretty much Sam Harris's belief about moderate Xians. The "no real meaning" accusation is unfortunate, but I think the writer really means they don't have the integrity/self-honesty to follow through with what they know deep down. That's how I read it, anyway, and I think it's a reasonable position.
He's more hostile and unpleasant than he needs to be... but he's mostly right.
Fundamentalists are on ridiculously shaky ground from a scientific/rational/logical perspective, but their theology is at least somewhat sound.
Moderate Christians are on shaky ground both scientifically and theologically. As Sam Harris (with whom I disagree on some points, but he hit the nail on the head with this one) says, "I've read the books, and God is not a moderate."
Still, I wouldn't say that moderates are worse than fundies. I certainly know which ones I'd rather associate with (Hint: Not the fundies).
When I am dealing with fundies on the local message board.. I am just as rabid. But then again, I have to be just to be heard because these idiots are there in droves.. which, means that they are in my town.. in droves. Scary thought. It comes down to "fighting fire with fire".
I would much rather have a conversation that didn't involve ad hominem attacks.. but a sad fact is, when you are dealing with the brainless lemmings and their fundie bs.. sometimes it is necessary. *sigh*
@Fed Up
My point was that due to this factor, Christians have extremely solid (albeit blind) meaning in their lives.
It makes sense if you look at in context:
The truth is that you're too affraid to give it up because you have no real meaning in your lives and/or because you're scared of retribution from a source you only kind of, sort of, believe in.
He's saying that if they had genuine meaning outside of their religion, then they would release the rest of their theology, not just the parts that are painfully out of date.
Oh, great - "You're approaching my position, but you haven't come far enough - so I'll sneer at you and rubbish everything you stand for". With allies like that, who needs enemies?
ThusSpoke: here's a clue about how some Christians find meaning in the Scripture.
Just because I say "I went through the roof and went into orbit around the Earth when I found out I didn't get the promotion" doesn't mean I actually hit the roof and went into orbit around the Earth.
With that bit of information, one can start at Genesis 1:1 and a lot of the Scriptures will start to take on all sorts of possible meanings.
"You're approaching my position, but you haven't come far enough - so I'll sneer at you and rubbish everything you stand for".
No christian is approaching an atheistic position. Theism is kinda one of the main tenets of christianity.
Yeah, let's insult the religious moderates who take the scientific side on important issues, who respect people of other faiths, and who are vastly preferable to fundies as human beings.
That is the problem! When your scripture can have "all sorts of possible meanings" it becomes useless. If you continue to cling to it despite how useless you have showen it to be then you are doing so for other reasons. Perhaps so that you do not have to live life as the person you are or to make someone else happy with your religious choice.
The only problem I have with the comment is I think moderates are better than fundies. But I see his point and it is valid.
Witty Name Here,
When you read something that is not cleare and come to your understanding of it and I come to a completely diffrent understanding we have a problem. We can't ask the original writer what he wanted to say. Since the bible talks about things that can not be emperically tested then science/reason cannot be the deciding factor. This has caused wars among sects(is that the usefullness you refered to?). Instead we should discared the unprovable and unclear text.
We should take this conversation to the forum.
On a personal level, I agree with hir; after being raised by fundie parents, anything other than atheism seemed pretty wishy-washy and excuse-making to me.
But in general I less-than-three liberal believers, and I certainly don't think that those who take Genesis as metaphor and choose to believe in a spirit out there are worse than the repressive, idiot fundies.
Actually, I happen to fully agree with this :/. Not the part about theistic evolutionists being worse than creationists, but people still referencing their holy book when some of its most important parts are shown to be completely fabricated does make them look like they're suffering from a mental illness they don't want to get over. Not particularly irritating, just kinda sad.
Fundamentalists are usually (at least, here) guilty of cherry-picking the Bible to support their insane arguments. I salute those who are willing to make any attempt, however inept, to incorporate science into any of your findings -- for it is you, scientist and faithful, who may one day end at last the hellbent struggle between these factions to prove each other wrong, regardless of who is in fact right.
There can be more than one "right" answer.
Religion can find answers to some questions, but not others.
Science can find answers to many, many questions -- but not others.
Part of the solution (as I see it, anyway) is finding the correct tool or set of tools to solve the problem.
Religion is a terrible tool to use to try to find out which bacteria or genes causes certain diseases.
Science is an inappropriate tool for finding out the meaning of our existence or what it means to be fully "human".
Also, I make no claims for exclusivity with regards to Christianity. Christianity is one way, among many possible valid ways (and that includes humanism and atheism).
I have no problems with atheism or atheists -- in fact, I prefer the company of atheists over many (most) Christians. As a rule, one can have vastly more intelligent conversations with atheists; and I find many atheists to be more genuinely "moral" than their Christian (particularly fundamentalist Christian) counterparts.
and telling anybody who doesn't believe it that they'll burn forever in hell?
The only thing required for salvation is repentance toward God and faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ, I don't know of anyone at all who will tell you that you must have a belief in 6 day creation in order to be saved.
richardT: Evidently you haven't been paying attention on this site, because that exact sentiment has been quoted here numerous times.
Link it.
Not so fundie as much as true.
In other words, "it's not fundie if the person agrees with me."
Seems to me that Christianity would be much better off if the Bible had never been put together. For one, there wouldn't be any people saying "My holy book is inerrant and literally true, even though it was mostly written by woefully ignorant shepherds!" For another, there wouldn't be any people saying "You're stupid for not considering your holy book as the literal truth!" Holy books are such a drag.
In other words, "it's not fundie if the person agrees with me."
Don't put words in my mouth.
I've never claimed that I'm NOT a fundie, just not a religious one. If I'm going to go ape over a particular subject, like say music or movies, it's nobody's concern. If you want to believe in zombies and talking animals, I wouldn't dream of stopping you. But at the end of the day, I've got music and movies, you've got nothing.
That being said, yes I agree with bits of this post, so what? Are you honestly trying to tell me that quotes that are posted here are normal?
Is the belief in a mystical sky ghost that created the world really that different than the belief in a mystical sky ghost, who also created the world, but who has an opponent that's put false evidence around suggesting that the world is really older than it is?
I've always preferred the moderate ones, even if they are not upholding the spirit of their religion, because some of them can truly great people, even if it is because of the wrong cause.
Do I prefer an atheist over a religious person? Yes, because they are usually more rational and they have reached their morals through common sense, instead of because someone told them it was the right thing. Do I prefer a moderate religious over a fundie religious? Yes, because usually their religion is harming no-one and it helps them feel better in times of trouble.
I don't agree that moderate Christians are worse then fundies.
I don't agree with their religion, but I have nothing against them, provided of course they do not attempt to shove their religion down my throat.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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