It's telling that for homosexuals to do what they say is "natural" for them, they must employ barriers, dams, vaccines, anti-retrovirals, enemas (yuk), and a host of other paraphernalia to be rendered "safe." "Sex" that is this difficult to avoid danger is probably WRONG.
Actually, you straight people often have to employ this stuff, too. And if you don't, well, you're only putting yourself at risk.
Not to mention you actually have to worry about having an unwanted pregnancy, so that's additional stuff you need.
You do realize straight people engage in same sex activities as homosexual people, right? No, of course not, what am I asking?
For any other person who may read this (I feel the OP is beyond help), you do realize that HIV/AIDS is NOT just a gay disease? It is in the hetero community as well - everyone needs to practice safe sex.
ETA: just read Frogflayers comment - which is true. Being gay, I've always wondered something. Why to you hetero guys like watching lesbians? Is it because you think all they need is mo meet the right guy (i.e. you)? Most of my lesbian friends would not want a man to intrude on them. Just wondering.
@ Wyzard
I can only speak for myself, but I'm fully aware that lesbians aren't going to change simply because they meet a guy. Sexuality doesn't work like that after all.
Once again, I can only speak for myself, but, as a straight guy, I find women attractive and arousing. By the same token I do not find men attractive (Chrom from Fire Emblem Awakening notwithstanding). So with a man and a woman there is something that arouses me and something that does not. However with two women that is two things that arouse me and nothing that does not.
Or to express it in algebra where w=women and m=man:
w - m = hot
2w = So much hotter.
I admit this likely doesn't make much sense. I just kinda wrote down what I thought.
Gay sex =/= anal sex
Gay people have oral sex a lot. Probably mostly. Then there's frot.
Meanwhile, straight people don't have anal sex? Interesting.
Straight people have anal sex too, and most people wear condoms nowadays regardless of where they are inserting themselves.
Does using that barrier method mean all sex is wrong?
Does not compute.
1. I mostly practice oral sex.
2. Straight people should use condoms as well.
3. I'm going to talk about enemas and anal sex here, so skip this if need be. In general, I don't use enemas. I've never been with many guys who have. If you take a good shit, shower, and wait about an hour you should be fine. That being said if there is a mishap you should be wearing a condom anyways. Enemas are mostly a fetish, or for guys who can't wait.
4. While PReP is a new thing and makes sex much safer, it is not necessary to use PReP in order to have safe sex. Proper use of a condom is by far the most important factor.
5. Are you talking about the vaccine for HPV? Actually it would be a good idea if every one got it. Do remember that there is no disease that differentiates between gay and straight people.
6. Why are you guys all about sex? I go out shopping for groceries with my boyfriend way more often than I have sex with him. Most days the closest we get to sex is some flirting and a kiss on the lips...THE HORROR!
@SHODAN: Dude, I'm an asexual man and I STILL think Chrom is hot as hell.
On topic, EVERYONE needs protection and medicine, not just gay people. Unless you want diseases to run rampant and families to be ruined.
You seem to know an awful lot about the intricacies of gay sex. I have no idea what you even mean about barriers, dams, vaccines, anti-retrovirals, and enemas being used in conjunction with (I'm assuming) anal sex. Not to mention that heterosexual couples would apparently need all this too.
Besides, what about lesbian sex? All you need is a tongue and vagina.
Frottage and tribadism are the only forms of sex that are exclusively homosexual. For both, the rate of STD transmission is almost immeasurably smallno protective measures required. On the other hand, the same thing can't be said about coitus. To be rendered "safe," it requires barriers, vaccines, etc...
You sure you still wanna keep going with the line of "reasoning" you've got there? At this point, you might as well stop trying to hide your hate, fear, and bigotry and just acknowledge it for what it really is. History is sure as hell going to, no matter what you do or say.
(Gearhead mk2)
"Dude, I'm an asexual man, and I STILL think Chrom is hot as hell."
Chrom is nice an' all, but I'd still rather have the original video game-related memetic sex god for whom EVERYONE is gay, Bridget of the Guilty Gear series.
Can't entrap the willing. *wicked grin*
syphilis, gonorrhea, crabs, chlamydia, etc re all joys for straight people.
some medical tests and then monogamy is perhaps safest.
Frottage isn't exactly exclusive to homosexuals either, everyone enjoys a good hump sometimes.
I have to say this thread would probably blow OP's mind if she could read it.
It's telling that for heterosexuals to do what they say is "natural" for them, they must employ IUDs, condoms, birth control pills, douches (yuk), Depo-Provera shots, diaphragms, NuvaRings, vasectomies (double-yuk), tube-ties (triple-yuk), Implanons, etc. unless they want to be the Duggars without the free stuff from TLC.
Besides, the codger's little feel-good bill didn't pass, did it? We're still seeing these images of said teenaged memetic sex god after the more than 8 years since the article in that link was written, aren't we?
Driving an automobile also is unnatural for humans, and we need to employ vast amounts of regulations, education, licencing, seat belts, air bags and many other safety features to render it "safe".* And in this case the quotation marks are even justified as still thousands of people die in car accidents every year, despite all of this. And yet imagine my surprise that Thisoldspouse isn't calling driving a car wrong WRONG...
*And don't get me started on flying, which is even more unnatural for us and needs even more regulations, safety features, etc.
Strangely enough, heterosexuals who are into anal and want to do what they say is "natural" for them, must employ the same things to be rendered "safe".
All forms of"sex" come with a bit of difficulty to avoid danger. For example, according to some unwilling guys, it's very difficult to use a condom; they'd rather "pull out in time"...
Considering that one woman dies every two minutes or so from complications with pregnancy, childbirth or unsafe abortion, sex-for-procreation-purposes is about the most dangerous thing a woman can do.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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