I have met patients who were possessed! REALLY!! Found it incredible - you don't think such things are possible but they are. One woman was hissing like a snake and cursing - just because someone mentioned God. Another woman got prayed for and the demon that was on her followed the person home who had prayed for her - and then showed itself to that christian during the night - the christian in this instance had NEVER seen any spiritual manifestations before and was shocked! I also know a nurse who sees 'spirits' - she is compos mentis. Also a buddist nurse who has had weird things happen to her since her hubby died. All sorts.
You people who do not believe in demons - well, you are wrong! The spiritual exists alongside our physical world.
Keep the demons at bay - ask Jesus to be your Saviour, follow him daily - then the Angel of the Lord will be with you and you will have no reason to fear any evil, because the Lord will be with you.
The biggest lie the devil tells people is that he is not real. He is. Look at all the evil around - it doesn't come from God, it comes from satan, who is the enemy of our souls.
Lastly, the Gift of God is a SOUND mind. Sanity is a gift from God, Insantiy is not.
"Look at all the evil around - it doesn't come from God, it comes from satan, who is the enemy of our souls. "
"Sanity is a gift from God, Insantiy is not. "
And yet, the bible says that God created evil and is the cause of confusion.
"Sanity is a gift from God, Insantiy is not."
Neither sanity nor insanity are gifts from God. God does not exist, therefore, he can bestow no gifts.
Likewise, demons do not exist. No one is possessed by demons or devils. Insanity can make people do things like hissing and cursing. It can even make them believe in religions. Get a grip and stop looking for supernatural explanations.
I have met patients who were possessed! REALLY!!
Really! Really I did! Hey, I'm not lying, I've seen demons! I'm not crazy! Really!
Lastly, the Gift of God is a SOUND mind. Sanity is a gift from God, Insantiy is not
Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that, maybe one day it will be true.
Yes speak to any nurse who works the night shift and you will hear all manner of bizarre and scary stories.
However, they haven't a thing to do with your biblegod or deeemons.
Sounds like a vet clinic.
The biggest lie jennaflorrie tells people is that her god is real. She describes him as amoral, irresponsible, and somewhat immature. And she expects people to worship him.
Go figure.
Lastly, the Gift of God is a SOUND mind. Sanity is a gift from God, Insantiy is not.
Then how do you explain why you religitards always seem to be the least sane?
"EVERYTHING that happens is the will of God" (Isaiah something:something)
Satan's actions included.
"You people who do not believe in demons - well, you are wrong!"
Lo and behold the incoherent babbling and insubstantial proof i just provided you! how can you not be convinced yet!?
A link on that site goes here,
The year 2008 has witnessed many prophecies being fulfilled, especially the Seven Thunders of the Book of Revelation, which the apostle John saw but was restricted from recording. Those thunders, which will continue to increase in strength and frequency, are revealed in this book, as well as detailed accounts of the final three and one-half years of man's self-rule on earth, which are recorded in the account of the Seventh Seal of Revelation.
Some of these prophecies concern the demise of the United States over the next six months, which will be followed by man's final world war. This last war will be the result of clashing religions and the governments they sway. Billions will die! This time will far exceed even the very worst times in all human history.
As these events unfold, the world will increasingly become aware of the authenticity of the words in this book and realize that Ronald Weinland has been sent by God as His end-time prophet.
This book is primarily directed to the people of the three major religions of the world (Islam, Judaism and Christianity), whose roots are in the God of Abraham. Ronald Weinland has been sent to all three.
SO, mentally ill people spitting, hissing and cussing are once again 'possessed'?
Talk about jumping into a time warp. What next? You want to start tossing them into a snake pit again?
Lastly, the Gift of God is a SOUND mind. Sanity is a gift from God, Insantiy is not.
- I have never said this before because I scruntch up inside at the thought of the pain it inflicts. This posting however has driven me over a threshold of tolerance into an area that is new to me. And now I find I can sincerely wish that Jenna die in a fire.
My wish is not a whit more pitiless than her contention that people with mental illness are somehow demonic. Well let me say that it requires a partcularly nasty and demonic, not to mention evil and insane mind to say what Jenna has said. She's an evil bitch on the loose from hell. I hope it reclaims her soon, in a fire.
Keep the demons at bay - ask Jesus to be your Saviour, follow him daily - then the Angel of the Lord will be with you and you will have no reason to fear any evil, because the Lord will be with you.
Isn't that how the mafia works?
Look at all the evil around - it doesn't come from God, it comes from satan, who is the enemy of our souls.
So why doesn't God just get rid of the him? That's like keeping a vicious dog and letting him attack people, then saying "it's not me; the dog's doing it himself".
"...Look at all the evil around - it doesn't come from God ..."
Isaiah unto you, you're WRONG. Specifically:
Isaiah 45:7 - I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil : I the LORD do all these things.
It's not demonic possession, it's mental illness. And on that note:
"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
For a lunatic asylum, see RaptureReady.
Wow! Second, third and fourth hand anecdotal evidence that demons are real and can only be defeated by God/Jesus! I guess I have wasted the last 65 years being an ignorant atheist. I better get my ass to a church and accept God/Jesus into my hear right away! (Please note that the Sarcaso-Meter is running off the scale!)
"I have met patients who were possessed!"
Um, hate to ask the obvious question but, were you a patient at the time too?
"I have met patients who were possessed! REALLY!!"
And I've met people on the Internet who are females and want to have sexual relations with me!
Or maybe.. We're just being trolled.
Lastly, the Gift of God is a SOUND mind. Sanity is a gift from God, Insantiy is not.
Fuck off and die, you sick fuck.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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