jennaflorrie #fundie

I have met patients who were possessed! REALLY!! Found it incredible - you don't think such things are possible but they are. One woman was hissing like a snake and cursing - just because someone mentioned God. Another woman got prayed for and the demon that was on her followed the person home who had prayed for her - and then showed itself to that christian during the night - the christian in this instance had NEVER seen any spiritual manifestations before and was shocked! I also know a nurse who sees 'spirits' - she is compos mentis. Also a buddist nurse who has had weird things happen to her since her hubby died. All sorts.

You people who do not believe in demons - well, you are wrong! The spiritual exists alongside our physical world.

Keep the demons at bay - ask Jesus to be your Saviour, follow him daily - then the Angel of the Lord will be with you and you will have no reason to fear any evil, because the Lord will be with you.

The biggest lie the devil tells people is that he is not real. He is. Look at all the evil around - it doesn't come from God, it comes from satan, who is the enemy of our souls.

Lastly, the Gift of God is a SOUND mind. Sanity is a gift from God, Insantiy is not.



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