[In response to a news article about the US bombing a Muslim school with children still in the school]
*sniff* They never had a chance to blow themselves up *sniff* Oh, oh, the humanity. *sniff* Al-Zwahari School of Homocide Bombing and Cultic Brainwashing (al-Zwahari affectionately refers to it as, Alma-Mater) gone forever. Oh, *sniff*, Boo-Hoo! Well, here is some comfort,*sniff* for ya, think of all the virgins they got waiting for them-"payment in full".
['How you can joke about the killing of CHILDREN and still consider yourself a Christian is beyond me!']
Hey, you sit here and snivvle about something you know ZERO about. If you think those 'kids' are coloring pictures, reading "see spot run" think again. Your spoiled existance mirroring other people's behavior after us is getting dillusional. You think I cant find passages in the Bible where Israel was told to exterminate their ENTIRE mortal enemies, men, women, children? Guess what they(Israel) did? They spared the women and children, only to have those children grow up and come after them with even greater vengence. A little baby alligator will grow up into an......ALIGATOR.
Every time I think Mr. C can't possibly get any more hateful, racist, and un-Christian, he always manages to pull it off.
Seriously, out of all the fundies that we talk about, Mr. C is the worst. He's the only one that really worries me that he might actually head out and act on some of his batshit insanity. Especially since I'm absolutely certain that he owns at least a dozen firearms...
A little baby alligator will grow up into an......ALIGATOR
And a speck of corn from hitler's shit will grow up into a.....MR COULTER
Why don't you fucking die already?
A little baby alligator will grow up into an......ALIGATOR
What about freewill? Is that only for American babies?
Children taught to kill infidels are not evil, their teachers are. The actions may be evil, however they are not in this case carried out with evil intent but a misguided intent to do what they have been taught is good.
Please, can someone tell me where I go to opt out of the human race? I think I'd rather live somewhere else - among the amoeba on the third moon of Alpha Centauri 6, perhaps. It's got to be better than sharing a planet with the likes of Mr Coulter & Co.
Following that basis, we could say that in Sep 11 there were a lot of potential terrorist, thieves, rapist..........man it is a school. Are you asuming that the kids are all in Madrasas?. Besides, you should win the award, AT LEAST HE´S HONEST. You believe that the Bible condones genocide, but, of course, don´t use the same argument against the radical moslems. Osama could say the same.
If your god is one tenth as righteous and perfect as you claim he is, then people like you would not exist. These are CHILDREN that you're taking pleasure in the deaths of, and if there's any good still left in the world, then the lord jesus will see you as the hateful, murderous terrorist you are and exact every possible torment on your pitiful bones.
I don't wish to see his rights to speak his mind (?) taken away, but sane folk have to talk back when someone is encouraging hate and spouting out and out lies.
Opinions are one thing, but this sounds like war propaganda and misinformation.
Tempus & Redhunter:
Apparently, Coulter has been ordered to write some kind of "essay" pending his permanent banning. I think the ban was kind of a bitch slap across the mouth to calm his ass down.
There is a quote from the late Hunter S. Thompson that goes something like this: "Too crazy to live, but too rare to die". Mr. Coulter may be one of the most inhuman monsters alive, but I almost want to see him stick around just to see how low he can go.
...Actually, they spared the virgin girls for their own purposes. And if you marched into my house, killed my dad and brother, and raped me, my sister, and my mom, I think I'd be pretty pissed too.
I could use the same reasoning with you. I could say that people can bomb fundamentalist schools. After all, aren´t they taught that commiting genocide and saving the virgin girls is ok?. Of course I can´t, but you have to be consequent. By the way, I TAUGHT IN EGYPT, and I have to say that, apart from the fact that we did the same thing, they are the most respectful people I have met.
A little baby alligator will grow up into an......ALIGATOR.
That was an incredibly profound observation. I hope that alligator eats you.
Coulter,if you pray to Me and beseech Me for My aid,I WILL ANSWER your prayer and will provide you with the Miraculous Spell Checker.
Sorry about the Brain.
Even I cannot help you there.
The Great Dog,the dyslexic Omnipotence
"A little baby alligator will grow up into an......ALIGATOR."
And, with the help of fundie parents like you a little baby racist will grow up into an......RACIST.
Funny how those things work.
P.S. I know I need to work on my own little extreme values disorder, but I think even joking about dead kids should be grounds for a one way ticket to whatever hell someone crazier then you belives in.
So my Muslim friend who goes to a Catholic school is secretly building a pipe bomb to destroy the place? Who knew?
It doesn't matter if those kids were Muslim, being brainwashed (if they were at all), they were still CHILDREN.
Get a life, you worthless monster.
You are sick. You need help. How much have you educated yourself about Muslims? I would seriously consider professional help. God won't do it for you. The universe, or "GOD", gave you all the tools to help yourself.
Peace. Keep it positive.
are you insane? do you actually know any muslims?
according to your own religion, children automatically go to heaven. and following your own logic, we should kill all Muslim or Middle Eastern children.
did you know that a very small percentage of middle eastern people are freedom fighters? most of them are normal people with families and kids. muslim schools do not teach children to be suicide bombers. at best one or two of the kids we bombed would have grown up to be a freedom fighter. probably none of them would have.
your ignorance astounds and disgusts me. how do you live with yourself and your curdled, twisted, reeking little heart of hatred?
How many Muslims do you know, Mr Coulter? I know at least five, probably more as I don't talk about religion with everyone I meet.
Every single one of them is kind and caring, and rather pacifistic and inclusive in their world-view.
I know for a fact that Muslim children also color pictures and read children's books.
A child adopted from Iran by Christian parents in US will grow up to become an American Christian.
Uh. I volunteer at a Muslim school. They have Arabic as a foreign language, and they have a separate Islamic Studies class. Otherwise, it's all the same. And you know what else? They teach evolution in science classes.
Also, there are a few Christian kids who attend :)
[Two Hours Later..]
*Old lady knitting to show time-pass]
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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