The controversy over Miss California's answer to a loaded question is a clear picture of where this country is hell in a handbasket. She was asked this question by an openly gay judge, and because he didn't like her response she lost. Check out what he says about her in his blog video linked below. I know these things are supposed to happen because we live in the end of days, but I pray that America wakes up before it becomes Babylon. The more states that legalize gay marriage the closer God's judgment is going to be.
I thought that, from your point of view, this coming judgment was a good thing.
Make up your mind, fella.
Captain Britannica
Fundies - an infinite capacity for doublethink. Surely making Judgement Day come sooner would be a good thing?
Yeah, but look at that study that was done not too long ago that showed that religious folks fight death more. I think deep down in their mind they know that their faith has no substance to it.
Of course, she couldn't possibly have lost just because she wasn't the best, right?
Maybe the judges just didn't want to appoint a bigot to a position in which she would supposedly represent their country.
I was actually quite amused by miss world a while back. The judge brought them each up in turn and asked them a tough question. They all failed hilariously. Then he asked one "what was the last book you read, and why?". She answered "Ulysses", and then went on to give an in-depth analysis of the book. The sad news is, she didn't win. That said, I still find her attractive in a very superficial kind of way.
Blah blah blah, "end of days," "Babylon," etc. and so forth.
You nutballs have been telling us "the end is nigh" for a couple thousand years. If God's Wrath hasn't descended on Canada, Switzerland, or Sweden, what makes you think he'd care about the US?
Oh, right, you guys think that the US is Jesusland. Right?
So Perez Hilton forced the other judges to vote for some other bimbo airhead? How did he manage that - maybe he threatened to infect them with gay? Oh, and I thought you fuckheads were looking forward to the Apocalypse, or whatever.
Who cares about a contest that promotes beauties who can walk and talk at the same time. (They don't have to make sense, just talking and looking pretty is enough, it seems.) I'd rather spend time with plain-looking people who actually have something to say, and who wants to debate different opinions in the group.
And of course he will weigh her response to his question. Why else put the question out there? Simple yes and no questions, and "what is the capital of Slovenia?, questions that have only one correct answer, they do not do much when you want capture the essence of someone's personality.
What the F are you doing watching a bunch of scantily clad women strutting their wares and lack of intelligence?
I can only guess you are fapping away at the girlies in bikinies! I very much doubt it was anything to do with their ability to witness their religious beliefs!
I don't give a damn about Perez Hilton and even less than a damn about Miss Bimbo Airhead -- but let's keep in mind that he was NOT the sole judge, so if Miss Bimbo Airhead's dumb-ass answer turned off not only him but the rest of the judges as well, that's her problem.
Also: Yawn!
The controversy over Miss California's answer to a loaded question is a clear picture of where this country is hell in a handbasket. She was asked this question by an openly gay judge, and because he didn't like her response she lost.
See, if you'd stopped here, I would have agreed with you. Unfortunately, you had to keep talking.
News at eleven, Pagent queen hopeful can't answer question,,,,wait,,,that's not remotely news
Controversy? What controversy?
Don't tell me that you took a break from being totally pure'n'holy for your Lawd to watch a beauty contest. Does your Gawd approve of skimpy bathing suits spray-glued to women's asses?
So all the sudden a prude like yourself thinks that a woman who shows her body parts by wearing just a bikini has morals just because she is against gay marriage?
Sounds like your flip-flopping on your moral principles.
Not that I justify what Perez did if he did in fact cause Miss California to lose because of her stance on gay marriage, but am I to seriously believe that if, hypotheically, you were one of the judges and one of the contestants was, say, an atheist lesbian, you wouldn't help her lose based solely on that fact?
Well, which is it, Mister DayoftheLord, do you want Jesus to come back or do you want the nation to be "godly"?
ok,as to little miss california, willsomeone tell the same book that she claims as the basis of her belief, is also very clear that she is to be modest less she incite lust in men.
So in closing Miss California STFU and get in the kitchen make you man a sandwich and get him a beer between popping out babies for jesus
The controversy over Miss California's answer to a loaded question is a clear picture of where this country is hell in a handbasket.
This is only true if more of you people keep voting and coming out of the woodwork. Get off the planet, we're trying to make progress here.
She was asked this question by an openly gay judge, and because he didn't like her response she lost.
Since when are bigoted idiots supposed to win because they've got huge chests?
Check out what he says about her in his blog video linked below. I know these things are supposed to happen because we live in the end of days, but I pray that America wakes up before it becomes Babylon. The more states that legalize gay marriage the closer God's judgment is going to be.
Wait, don't you WANT the Rapture, the apocalypse, the fundie fap-fest or whatever the fuck you idiots call it? So wouldn't legalizing gay marriage be a good thing?
Perez Hilton is a hypocrite. He says that politics and religion should have no part of the pageant, yet he is the one who brought up the subject--then he blows up because he doesn't like her opinion. Can't handle someone's opinion, don't ask it. Unpleasant though it may be, she has the right to her opinion. All he's done is give more ammunition to the people who think that conservatives are losing their rights. Now this girl is a victim of the evil bullying gays and he's probably actually set back the gay marriage cause through his own self-centeredness in having to make the pageant about him. And he's an asshole who outs other people, for Christ's sake. He's a piece of fucking garbage.
But that has fuck all to do with god's judgment and everything to do with this narcissistic pseudo-celebrity fame whore society we've created.
Yes, the whole thing is a joke - pretending to care what some bimbo thinks, when the contest is not about voting in someone who has two clues, but someone whose ass is cut in half by her costume. I think both judge and contestant are obnoxious wastes of DNA, but who cares? As others pointed out, he's not the ONLY judge, even if he is the smarmiest. Why is a religious person watching the show? What does DayoftheLord think about the annual sex toy contest in Germany, does he have a strong opinion about which dildo should have won?
She lost because the other one that won it was better.
And according to you fundies, that handbasket trip has been going on for centuries.
What is so terrible about allowing people who love each other to get married? Even if they don't love each other but just want legal protections for their joint property and other assets, what's the big deal? Cos there's a rant about it in the bible by an obvious sociopath? The bible says many things, including that you must kill your child if he/she gives you back chat. Do you hold to that position too?
This is the lady who was in her words being 'biblically correct' if not politically correct.
I have to admit she has the right to her opinion even if I totally disagree with it.
What gets me is if she is so keen on being biblically correct, what's she doing in a beauty pagent? I thought the bible didn't look to kindly on scantily clad women. I'm going to see if I can find the quote on an online bible. A decent one like the Brick Testament. Will revert.
I read most of what her response actually was. It was pretty damn incoherent. I thought contestants in these sort of things were supposed to at least have a bare minimum of poise and communication skills, as well as just looking pretty? It's not what you say, it's how you say it. I can respect someone who respectfully and coherently gives an opinion I happen to disagree with. That rambling? Sorry, no. If she were on my side it would still be rambling gibberish.
I have just been reading the thread - there is a guy called "bigthirsty" on there making mincemeat out of the fundies - don't know if he is an atheist or just a really sensible Christian (unlikely, I know ;) ) but he is doing a great job - if anyone is registered over there can you tell him he is doing great (and I recommend the rest of you to read it too :) )
Here we go (Thanks to SAB for making it easy to find the quotes on women).
From 1 Timothy 2:9
women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
I don't think Bikinis count as modest apparel.
If that's why she lost, it was wrong. The contest was who was hottest, and if it was her, she should have won, even though she's a bigot.
I have just been reading the thread - there is a guy called "bigthirsty" on there making mincemeat out of the fundies - don't know if he is an atheist or just a really sensible Christian (unlikely, I know ;) ) but he is doing a great job - if anyone is registered over there can you tell him he is doing great (and I recommend the rest of you to read it too :) )
Maybe gay marriage proponents should use this line of thinking on fundies.
"You might not like it, but legalizing it will bring the rapture that much sooner! Praise Jesus!"
@Onan the Barbarian
Is your favourite tune by The Who 'Who Are You'...?! X3
@Nyssa of Aachen
I guess you wouldn't need to think of an answer, should he ask you 'What do you want '...! X3
Meself, I favour Susan Ivanova or Lyta Alexander (I bet she gives good mind , if you catch my drift! [/Robin Williams]).
"I pray that America wakes up before it becomes Babylon"
Stop it, you're turning me on. [/nerd] Or the eponymous worldship in "Macross Frontier ". Or the terraforming/transforming ship-cum-mecha & intergalactic 'Ark'-like population transport 'Deucalion' in "Kiddy Grade ". Or the O'Neill Cylinder -esque 'Brain Colony' Leopard in "Sora Kake Girl ". Or the long-lost (and legendary) Golden Ghost Ship in "Moretsu Pirates ". [/otaku]
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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