"For over 20 years I have been an active witch and priestess in an OTO church (OTO stands for Ordo Templi Orientis or Order of the Temple of the East. Its structure is like that of the Masons/ Freemasons.). On Monday, after a long battle I gave my life to Jesus. Since then, things have not been easy. The first thing I did after giving my life to Jesus was clear my flat of everything that was associated with the coven and OTO church. No sooner had I done this I went down with a sever migraine and have only just got rid of it. Once the migraine had gone, I found myself standing outside of my body watching everything that I am doing. I am still in this state despite praying to Jesus for help. Also, I feel extremely agitated and cannot handle the smallest thing when it goes wrong. To add insult to injury, my body feels itchy all over and I am making my skin sore by having to itch it. It is driving my scatty. I really want to get release from what the enemy has over me so that I can serve Jesus completely. If you can help me I would be extremely grateful". ---
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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