would think first and foremost the gay pedophiles who invaded the Priesthood - all for unfettered access to underage boys - should first be prosecuted, given THEY, not the church, are the rapists. I know - you disagree, claiming the little boys were recipients of man-boy love, not rape.
The church should be prosecuted for COMPLICITY, given it knew of the gay pedophile Priests and did nothing, or, worse yet, took steps to preserve it's own reputation at the expense of the child victims.
BTW - the "gay" community is doing the exact same thing. Pedophilia is rampant in your sub-culture ... occurring at rates many times higher than among normal people. And the reaction of the "gay" community? "Oh, still more pedophiles are straight!", or, "Pedophilia is different than homosexuality", or "there is no problem with pedophilia in the "gay" subculture!". All these lies, distortions and diversions are designed for one thing only ~~ to protect the 'image' of the "gay" community, the welfare of the child victims be damned.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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