Yeah, any time you see the words "THANK GOD FOR [terrible tragedy real people feel dreadful over]", it's a given that the Westboro Calvinist Cult is behind it.
Wait, wait, they booted out Pope Crazy because his final words were something akin to, "be less assholish to one another; fuck everyone else, but treat other members of this particular Gilead fiefdom I've carved out of bailing twine and crazy a bit more politely", and their response was, "fuck that noise, being nice to ANYONE is evil"? Wow, I had no idea just how awful each and every standing member of this compound really was.
That is just stupid. They do know that Jesus, Martin Luther, and Fred's life-muse John Calvin, all died, right? Or do they just not care?
"GodSmack" seems to be there way of saying "Gotcha!" or something. Anytime anything happens - terrorists kill folks, soldiers die, a wacko shoots up some Amish kids, or a FUCKING ROLLER COASTER STALLS I SHIT YOU NOT - they screech "GodSmack!", because gawd just laid the smackdown on some heathen for minding their own business and not being a fucker. I'm very curious to know what kind of world these brainfarts would see as ideal? They seem to disparage basic human emotions like compassion and empathy, so I fear it may be somewhere between Orwell and "Equilibrium", with a dash of Iran tossed in for flavour.
Can I be honest? I always felt really bad for Fred after he died. Yeah, I know, right? He was filth. Hate personified. But the way his family threw him aside was just odious. I know we're all, "DIAF, Fred", but just stop and imagine how alone he must have felt when his own children, what few could stomach his presence, turned their backs on him, all because of a theology he perverted to justify his own insecurities. I hate the man, I'm not sad he's dead, a monster has been removed from the world, but his kids, Shirley especially, could have shown a bit more humanity towards him. Instead, I don't think he even got a funeral. It's fucking disgusting.