<img src="http://www.pamspaulding.com/graphics/billionsy.jpg ">
I agree, it's depressing. The 56.05% that say 6000 years old are not only depressing, but scary.
I applaud WND's attempt at offering a large number of choices, but none really reflects how I would want to respond. I want to pick "13.7 billion, but willing to change to 15.8 billion or whatever the best evidence points to." "Very old, but immpossible to say" and Carl's "billions and billions" are too vague to be satisfying.
@Jacob Syne
Yes, because it is a matter of opinion not fact.
Fuck democracy.
...I'm an anarchist.
While this isn't representative of the general US population, haven't there been polls conducted using a random sample of people which found that about 50% believed in creationism of one form or another? What's up with the education system over in the states to make millions of people believe this nonsense?
According to the Pew Center's summary , the Pew poll found 42% of Americans believe humans existed only in their present form. Of course old-earth creationists also fall in this category, but NBC's poll found 44% of Americans believe the earth and life was created in six days. Fox News' poll found 50% believed in Biblical creation with only 15% in evolution and 26% in a combination of the two.
Doesn't that just make your day?
I can just imagine some fundie sitting there for hours at a time clicking 'Submit' over and over.
I imagine a Fundamentalist Christian spamming all her friends' e-mail boxes with:
"World Net Daily has put up a survey, asking if we believe in the Biblical account of Creation. As Christians, it is our duty to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ by making ourselves look like an overwhelming majority. So, go to their web page and click on 'YES! I believe the Bible!"
I also imagine that the survey was set up on a web page, in such a way that the radio button next to the first option was checked by default. Then, anybody who clicks "Submit" without so much as glancing at the survey will automatically be voting for a literal interpretation of the Book of Genesis.
As sad as this sounds I would've guessed it higher then 56%. I've lived in America my whole life and it is true, the majority of folks think this way. It's sick and sad but true. Rest of the World, please don't judge us all for the mistakes of the many. We're not all crazy, honest!
"I believe the Bible, but it seems like the universe has to be 10,000-to-100,000 years old to make it fit with science."
10,000 to 100,000 years? To get this , you have to mutilate science and the Bible!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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