Its funny how many people think they are so valuable. Well for one thing they are correct. everyone in this world, born or unborn, is equal. and for those women, maybe they should have thought about the consequenses of their actions before going out into the world and having sex. if they got raped, well, maybe they shouldnt be out in dark alleyways at night. sorry, they are fully capable of their actions, they are not some little tots going round with a full possy out to protect them.
If they got raped by their friends, heck, they should have just broken up the friendship before its too late. Ever heard of council?
America is struggling and i feel ashamed to live in one of the only countries in the world that was founded of EQUALITY and yet practices abortion. For all we know that child could have grown up and done something abosalutely amazing!!!!!!!!
You keep bringing up women's wellfare, and that is a good point. But let me bring to your attention, when was the last time you made a sacrifice for someone? was it painstakingly hard on you? well i got news for you pal. A human life is not worth pain and suffering. a human life is not worth another human life. even if you will die in childbirth, heck, you should be GRATEFUL that you are giving your life not in vain, but to the benefit of another unborn soul who will live a fuller life than you. again, egocentricity is people's greatest weakness.
what the fuck?
Bad rape appologetic, combined with devaluation of women.
Sounds like this guy can't get laid, and had tried to use violence to remedy that problem.
I always wondered how all the rapes happen, but now I'm beginning to understand. It's because these sexy young women are hanging around in dark alleys, unescorted, uncouncilled, wearing a mini skirt and a mattress on their back, just begging for it. And it may be their friends that will help them out with it.
And why do they do it? Why?, you I ask.
So simple! They want, more than anything, to have an abortion.
The one thing I don't quite get is what's a "possy"?
Is it like a posse, or more like a pussy? I'm so confused.
Seems to me like the-predicesor's greatest weakness is self-righteousness, closely followed by ignorance. I do wonder how quick he would be to give up his life for someone, since he seems to be so keen on sacrifice. Though, he did contradict himself in saying that "a human life is not worth another human life" then saying women should be willing to die in a dangerous childbirth.
PWEOTWEB: Pretty much everyone on deviantART who provokes opposition behaves like that, blanking their challenger's comments rather than openly face them.
The-predicesor, hi.
I consider myself a fairly tolerant person, but the only reaction I can muster is that I despise you and your parents for bringing you into the world. And all their relatives back to single-celled organisms.
Also, as a person who has had several family members die of cancer and know the horror of that disease I nevertheless say: I hope you get a painful, slow-moving cancer of the genitals, offset by an allergy to any and all pain medications.
Yeah, because y'know, that twelve-year-old girl? You know, the one pregnant with twins, sired by her step father? Yeah, she should totally have separated herself from her family. Totally. You know she was begging for it, since she didn't abandon mother, father, siblings, and go, I don't know, live on the street, maybe? Perhaps with the priest who excommunicated her mother and every adult who tried to help her?
"A human life is not worth pain and suffering. a human life is not worth another human life."
Exactly! This is why medically necessary abortions should be protected. Oh wait, that's not what you meant?
"even if you will die in childbirth, heck, you should be GRATEFUL"
Says a (probably) male with no chance of engaging in this so-called ultimate sacrifice. Also, what about pregnancies all but certain to kill the woman-vessel AND the baby?
"a human life is not worth another human life"
No greater love is there than he who lays down his life for another.
Hmmm, can't quite think who is supposed to have said these words... :)
Excuse me? Did you just say that women who get raped deserved it? You, sir, are an asshole. And how do YOU know your friend's about to rape you? You don't. You can't tell. And what about parents who molest their children? Were the little kids dressing provocatively? Should the kids have somehow sensed what was about to happen?
Also, you're a hypocrite. You say human life is valuable, yet you say that we're not worth suffering for. If another person's life isn't worth saving and sacrificing for, I don't know what is. I hope you end up in a situation where a close friend or family member could have taken a bullet for you but decided to follow your philosophy.
"egocentricity is people's greatest weakness."
You seem to be suffering from it a lot, especially as you're flat-out saying you don't care if a woman dies during childbirth. Dick.
Yeah, like women walk alone in dark alleys all the time. And 9 yr old girls invite their stepfathers to rape them at home.
Dying in childbirth? Are you fucking insane? And you contradict your own rhetoric. If A human life isn't worth anything, than termination of an unwanted pregnancy is just fine. Of course, you being male and a control freak who can't get laid, you're just thumping your chest, via your keyboard, and showing the world just how insane you are.
1. A large majority of rapes involve people that the victim knew (or rather think they knew) very well.
2. I hope for some completely minor crime you end up in jail and get your ass raped. Then we can all happily say
"if they got raped, well, maybe they shouldnt been doing illegal things. sorry, they are fully capable of their actions, they are not some little tots going round with a full possy out to protect them." all while you cry yourself to sleep.
one of the only countries in the world that was founded of EQUALITY
Absolute bollocks.
Article 1 of your Consitution once read:
Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.
'all other Persons' in this context means slaves. The US constitution, far from being 'founded of EQUALITY' originally endorsed slavery.
a human life is not worth another human life.
even if you will die in childbirth, heck, you should be GRATEFUL that you are giving your life not in vain, but to the benefit of another unborn soul who will live a fuller life than you.
I sense contradiction. Especially concerning the whole equality thing this person was going on about before. After all, if all lives are equal, then one life is, by definition, worth another.
"For all we know that child could have grown up and done something abosalutely amazing!!!!!!!!elebentybillion"
You mean like arguing that women are solely responsible for being victims of rape? Or going on about how every life is equal, except that women are expendable since you've declared her life could never be "fuller" than a potential human? And calling dying women egocentric for thinking their own lives have value?
Yeah, that amazes me, alright... Your mother must be so proud of her choice .
@ Frank
you outta be raped non stop for a week and then tell us how you feel about rape
I've read about men who were raped. A few of them seem to think it's far more serious for them than it is for women. After all, women should be used to being dehumanized and violated. It's only natural, in their opinion. While they, as men, feel losing their dominant position in the natural order of things was harder for them to accept.
They still didn't get it. They still had no compassion.
I guarantee this idiot is one of them.
But I agree. It should still happen.
Sometimes I think of going back to DeviantArt. Maybe creating some special art just so I can put it up on the site.
Then I read vile, misogynist dreck like this and immediately change my mind.
Everyone is special and valuable! Except women, of course. Those dirty whores.
*rolls eyes*
Way to be a rape apologist, asshole.
"For all we know that child could have grown up and done something abosalutely amazing!!!!!!!! "
If five exclamation marks are the sign of an insane mind, what does eight indicate?
Still, nothing a well-placed condom wouldn't have fixed. Oops - too late...
Everything is equal and valuable.........except for the women who, supposedly go at dark alleys, which are not equal to the guys who are stolen the car for leaving the keys inside................good reasoning. And for the women who didn't knew the consequences of having sex(?)
even if you will die in childbirth, heck, you should be GRATEFUL that you are giving your life not in vain, but to the benefit of another unborn soul who will live a fuller life than you.
What the fuck is wrong with you.
For all we know that child could have grown up and done something abosalutely amazing!!!!!!!!
Or more likely, not. Donahue and Levitt suggested that legalizing abortion resulted in reduced crime rates some 15 or 20 years later as many unwanted children who would have grown up with a poor or unfit parent were never born. They also showed a similar effect on the increase in crime in the decades following outlawing of abortion in Romania. While their work has been controversial and several have offered counter-arguments, it still remains a viable hypothesis.
I just looked at its DA userinfo. On one hand, it's a painfully obvious troll.
On the other hand, it still needs to go play in heavy traffic. What a fucktard.
If they got raped by their friends, heck, they should have just broken up the friendship before its too late. Ever heard of council?
Wow. There are no words.
For all we know that child could have grown up and done something abosalutely amazing!!!!!!!!
For all we know they could be the next Hitler, or even *gasp* the anti-christ!
even if you will die in childbirth, heck, you should be GRATEFUL that you are giving your life not in vain, but to the benefit of another unborn soul who will live a fuller life than you.
But then the kid would have to live without a mother. Ever think about that asshat?
I took a look at the art this comment was posted on, and I just love the end comment by the author:
"If you have something negative to say about this... keep it to yourself. I will delete comments against it."
Silencing dissent. A very good example of Fundie logic, huh?
Two of my best friends were raped by their boyfriends. One of them had a kid from it, she refused an abortion because of the damage it would cause her emotionally. Yes she heard of council, and you know what, it doesn't' work when your partner is an abusive douche who treats you like a fucking slab of meat and not a human being.
How about you walk a mile in their shoes, and see if you could handle life after sexual assault. Rape often happens so fast that the victim doesn't even realize it's happening until after the fact. I don't care about your whole abortion rant, that rape thing just pissed me off so much after seeing my best friends endure it from people who were supposed to love them.
A human life is not worth pain and suffering. a human life is not worth another human life. even if you will die in childbirth, heck, you should be GRATEFUL that you are giving your life not in vain, but to the benefit of another unborn soul who will live a fuller life than you.
Most of the time the lives of both the other and the fetus are lost.
Better to save the life of a thinking and feeling human being than the potential life of a fetus.
Yeah, those women need to be punished with a baby if they think they can have sex!
"For all we know that child could have grown up and done something abosalutely amazing!!!!!!!!"
And that child could have grown up to be another Hitler/Dahmer/Manson/Bundy/BTK etc. And guess what? You talk of equality but equality under U.S. law only applies to those with a birth certificate. But you want fetuses to be more equal, don't you?
And why glorify dying during childbirth? Why not abort this one so you can live on to have other children? More proof that so-called pro-lifers only care about human life before it's born, not after. Once you pop out of the womb, you're on your own.
Yeah! Stupid women, thinking they can do things like go outside, and have friends! They deserve to be raped for things like that, the whores!
Greedy women, wanting to live! They should be grateful for the chance to give up their lives for a potential person. 'Cause you know, some slutty pregnant woman is never going to do anything amazing, or lead a full life. Better to kill her and start over.
I feel sick.
"a human life is not worth another human life. even if you will die in childbirth, heck, you should be GRATEFUL that you are giving your life not in vain, but to the benefit of another unborn soul who will live a fuller life than you"
Doesn't even bother starting a new paragraph before contradicting himself...
I guess you think that the 75-year-old woman, who was raped in Sweden a few weeks ago on her way home from friends, also was to blame.
Every country in the whole world practices abortion in some way or other, and have done so through-out history.
It didn't become a "problem" until abortions could be performed safely by doctors in hospitals.
Before that women went to some wise old woman and got some herbs to dislocate the fetus, or poked inside themselves with coat hangers. Often they died trying to abort the fetus, and many deliberately killed themselves and the fetus.
Then we had the people who took care of unwanted children, and somehow ended up with a lot of dead children on their hands. In Sweden these people were called Angel makers. I think it's called baby-farming in English. Post-birth abortions, or something.
Have you given birth? Somehow I doubt it. Neither have I, btw, but I can still imagine how horribly painful it must be. Because I am NOT egocentric, I think people should be allowed to choose whether they want to go through that kind of suffering or not.
How do you know that the "another unborn soul" will live a fuller life?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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