So now, if man evolved from ape, and there are apes in all of our zoo's, would it be safe to say, that they are still evolving today and the zookeepers are just keeping the word mum about all of these half_ape, half_man babies being born? are they just pictured in the tabloids and forgotten about? or has Evolution just stopped?
"Why are there still apes?" Such an old favorite. Let's continue the thinking. Why are there still dogs, fish, and trees? Everything should be evolving into humans, the peak of creation. In the future only humans will be left!
Evolution only goes at 9,000 Darwins per minute immediately after a global flood. According to the YECs, anyway. The rest of us think it might be a tad slower than that, as a general thing.
This reminds me of an anecdote I thought I should share:
One day the zoo-keeper noticed that the orangutan was reading two books: the Bible and Darwin's "Origin of the Species."
In surprise, he asked the ape, "Why are you reading both those books?"
"Well," said the orangutan, "I just wanted to know if I was my brother's keeper, or my keeper's brother."
~David D.G.
Fundies refuse to classify humans as apes, so, for reasons beyond rationalilty, the fundies believe that the existance of apes/monkeys proves humans didn't evolve. If the high schools are teaching evolution, they are doing a poor job and/or many do not bother to learn. And it doesn't help that half-wits like Mel Gibson and Larry King recite this same horribly flawed logic. And I have used the same arguments as mentioned by "Irrational Entity" mentioned above and they can't get the connection.
Why are idiotic questions like this still being posed? These people need to be better educated about evolution before they start attacking it. The majority of their arguments, like this one, are completely and utterly pointless. There is no counter-argument, because evolutionists aren't MAKING the idiotic claims that YECs are trying to disprove. It's like the "War on Christmas," which we all thankfully survived. They're fighting an invisible enemy.
Yes, jahguun. It's a conspiracy. On my last visit to the zoo, I saw an ape in a business suit typing on a laptop, but he was carted off by big, burly zoo keepers.
The humans-from-apes is bad enough, but he goes on further to claim that, unless evolution has stopped, humans and apes must be interbreeding if they descended from a common ancestor.
I'm not that impressed with these kinds of "arguments" anymore, considering that their thinking capacity only allows simple one-way straightforward instant ways for things to work, like in goddidit.
It would be too hard for them to think about things which involve long periods of time, complex lines of thinking, multiple variations of a theme etc... The goddidit gets rid of all that annoying thinking which would inevitably melt the quarter of a brain they have.
Sorry, no pun intented, but that's the way it seems to me.
Wow. Where do you even start in trying to explain how wrong that is?
I can't help but feel that any attempts to explain evolution to someone who is stupid enough to misunderstand it this badly in the first place would be completely in vain. This is the twenty-first century. There are people with internet access this stupid, and they aren't only stupid, they are proud of being stupid.
I . . . I just give up. I'm just going to curl up in a corner and sob for the next few hours.
"... would it be safe to say, that they are still evolving today and the zookeepers are just keeping the word mum about all of these half_ape, half_man babies being born?"
Well, of course. You're here, aren't you? OOH, BURN!
Man IS a Great Ape, stupid.
Humans, gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans are just as evolved, and we all keep on evolving, into something new.
We as species evolve, that is, not we as individuals.
“So now, if man evolved from ape”
A reasonable statement.
“and there are apes in all of our zoo's,”
Including the guests and zookeepers
“would it be safe to say, that they are still evolving today and the zookeepers are just keeping the word mum about all of these half_ape, half_man babies being born?”
Yes, they’re still evolving, everything is evolving,
No, ‘evolve’ doesn’t mean ‘becoming tool users with anxiety’
“are they just pictured in the tabloids and forgotten about? or has Evolution just stopped?”
You’re very ignorant about actual evolutionary theory.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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