I am still in shock – not surprised, but still stunned, in heavy grief, and crying out to God for his vindication. Now more than ever we need real men and women disciples of Jesus Christ. The time is over for playing games, for following our trivial pursuits, for living at ease in Zion.
Now we are fully involved in a war whether we like it or not. And those who do not join in, or think they can just sit on the fence, have already declared their true hand: they are part of the other side, and are not on the Lord’s side.
Get ready for increased persecution in America and all over the West. The nearly 200 hundred cases of this that I documented in my latest book is only the beginning. Now the going starts getting real tough. This is warfare of the most serious sort.
Ultimately it is a spiritual battle, and the SCOTUS decision comes straight out of the very pits of hell. Onward Christian soldiers. We have no more time to waste. We must pray like never before. We must work like never before. And we must get on our faces before Almighty God and repent of our damnable apathy, carelessness and indifference which made all this possible in the first place.
"SCOTUS decision comes straight out of the very pits of hell. "
But the Supreme Court is the "governing authority". If you've ever read your bible, you'd find it says
Romans 13:1-5 Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished. For the authorities do not strike fear in people who are doing right, but in those who are doing wrong. Would you like to live without fear of the authorities? Do what is right, and they will honor you. The authorities are God’s servants, sent for your good. But if you are doing wrong, of course you should be afraid, for they have the power to punish you. They are God’s servants, sent for the very purpose of punishing those who do what is wrong. So you must submit to them, not only to avoid punishment, but also to keep a clear conscience.
So why are you defying the word of your god?
"We must pray like never before."
Yup, that's the solution. Stay home and pray. While you're at it, don't even bother to vote, just pray.
Pray your assess off for all I care, it's not going to change a damn thing about reality. Face it, your bigoted beliefs are now clearly antiquated and no longer belong here.
"heavy grief, and crying out to God for his vindication"
Why am I imagining a child throwing a tantrum 'cause he didn't get his way?
Whining and flapping about actually makes me want to persecute you.
@Thinking Allowed - I saw some menacing topiaries in that clip. That's how it starts, with shrubberies...
You've been praying for the wrong things. No snark, this is serious. You've been praying for a continuation of an evil thing, praying to be allowed to be cruel and heartless toward others. If you really believe in god, why can't you get it through your thick heads that god is not at all happy with your attitudes. You have a chance to grow out of it, and right now would be a damn good time.
By all means, lock yourselves indoors and pray all day. It won't change anything. and by all means, scream on the street corners that Jesus is coming to destroy the world (unless you can gather all ten artifacts and seal him away for another 289 years). That too, will change nothing.
But thank you for illustrating why I laugh, rather than get worried, when I hear you lot talking in militant terms.
We must pray like never before.
Why? If God didn't listen to your prayers before the decision, what makes you think He'll suddenly change His mind because you ask Him another couple of thousand times after the decision?
"But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him." (Matt. 6:7-8)
In other words, He already knew what you wanted. Like the Supreme Court, He didn't agree with you either.
And we must get on our faces before Almighty God and repent of our damnable apathy, carelessness and indifference which made all this possible in the first place.
Actually, it was the US Constitution that made it possible. You're welcome to try amending it to repeal the 14th Amendment, but don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen, even without your apathy, carelessness and indifference.
crying out to God for his vindication.
Please keep me informed, I'd be interested to know if you get any answer.
I won't hold my breath.
Now more than ever we need real men and women disciples of Jesus Christ.
Too bad people are leaving your religion in droves. Part of the reason is that you're stuck in the past and refuse to accept things like marriage equality.
Now we are fully involved in a war whether we like it or not.
The 151st Internet Warrior Battalion just went on full alert.
Ultimately it is a spiritual battle, and the SCOTUS decision comes straight out of the very pits of hell. Onward Christian soldiers.
Onward? Don't you mean, retreat? Kind of hard to go onward when you keep losing social battle after social battle.
Get ready for increased persecution in America and all over the West
You are not persecuted at all, in any way. You should be but aren't.
Here's the thing Bill, what happened in a church in Charleston where 9 people were killed for the colour of their skin...That's persecution. The 38 people murdered in a holiday resort in Tunisia by IS to spread fundamentalist terror to innocent people who don't buy into their crazy religion....That's persecution. The bombing of a Shia mosque in Kuwait by a IS Sunni bomber again because they don't follow their crazy brand of Islam...That's persecution.
Giving the homosexual community the same rights as everyone else...That's equality and civil rights, it is not in any way shape or form persecution. Please understand the difference you are just embarrassing yourself.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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