“No, not blood sacrifices. The sacrifices that are made to science are soul sacrifices.”
Well, a ‘sacrifice’ is giving up something you want. A cow you could have milked for a few years, a chicken that could have laid more eggs, a son that provided unpaid labor.
I’ve never seen much of a sign that i have a soul, or that it does anything more for me that a wisdom tooth. The Navy took my wisdom teeth and i never missed them, so not much of a sacrifice.
"Those that want to embrace 'scientific wisdom'”
You mean, the knowledge base that’s provided the internet, vaccinations, less painful needles, insulin, teeth implants, eyeglasses, contacts, ergonomic walking canes, airplanes, satellites, the internet, electronic versions of the bible with a search function and a comparison capability…
Yeah, who’d want to embrace such knowledge?
"and shun the wisdom of the One who made our puny minds”
The ‘puny minds’ that came up with artificial blood, blood typing, surgery, and stuff like that there…? Puny minds that exist? I mean, demonstrably exist? As opposed to the wisdom of the guy that let children die in HUGE numbers until vaccinations were created? The wisdom of the guy that NEVER MENTIONED doctors washing their hands, much less sterilizing their instruments between patients?
The wisdom of the guy that thinks the Earth is flat? And the Moon is a light source?
“Those that want… is perishing”
Hard to take you seriously if you won’t even proof-read your own post.
“in their own wisdom. That my freind is sad.”
I’m not your freind. I mean, i wouldn’t veer across lanes of traffic to run you down, but i’m not in a mood to accept your bullshit at face value.