Mr. Coulter #fundie
[responding to a poster who claims that pro-choice people are misled]
Yeah, and an abortion is a 'simple procedure'. The difference between me and you Buck, is that I dont cuddle overt sin or sinners. Your Bible passages are used to make yourself feel vindicated for not standing up to evil. I cant resist, Paul and the vipers was an episode where Paul is suffering persecution. He wasnt turning a blind eye on evil because it has free will. Only when you are seeking approval do you babble righteousness. Give me 'the what for' in name calling, while calling me names. How is someone forced into an abortion? You are giving excuses. Which is what I called out. Pro-choice also means 'absent of consequense' and you affirm that with your foolish 'forced into it' reason.
"Not everyone who is pro-abortion/pro-choice is evil", is about the most asinine statement made by you yet. I cant think of a better measuring stick in determining evil than how one will treat the "most defenseless of us". "Mis-led?" another excuse, typical.
The castration of women offends you like the explaination of homo sex offends you. If the concern of being barefoot and pregnant is so horrific, hell, just remove your ovaries. That is how we prevent dogs from getting pregnant, and they survive just fine. That is not a complicated procedure, and both sides of the issue would be solved. Confused, we will play with your 'pretend faith' on another day.
I was reading on the AIDS in Africa. Your exposed breast culture statement seems to be the very thing exploited, thus making AIDS the epidemic it is there. It seems there is a 1 in 3 chance that a baby can contract AIDS through breast milk. So, encouraging breast feeding will only insure that babies will contract AIDS over there. The 'education' in caring for children is taught by teaching mother's proper breast feeding principles. Seeing that the breast is always exposed insures that the baby can go to the 'AIDS well' without hinderance.