[after calling atheists 'racist':]
Racism is also applied to religion, and if you make anti-Christian remarks, anti-Muslim remarks, etc, you are being racist.
If you get to define "religion" as "race",
I get to define "civil rights" as "Cindy Crawford must have sex with me."
Now, I demand my civil rights!
Well, race is a tricky thing to pin down anyway, but race is not something you have a choice in. Religion, on the other hand. . .
Anti-Christian remarks are not necessarily discriminatory. For instance, I might make anti-creationism remarks but that doesn't mean I'm discriminating against fundamental cultists, just that I'm defending the truth. Religious adherents could be of many different races within any one cult, so how would anti-religious remarks, in that case, be racist? Although, I do know that any word can mean whatever a fundamental cultist wants it to mean, specially on Y! answers and other retard sites.
"Racism is also applied to religion,"
Seems the people at both Webster and Oxford are unaware of this change...
So, defending the truth means being racist? Good to know.
P.S. Truth in this case meaning hard prooven facts. Not some mumbo jumbo in some old book.
Relgion is not a race. You have no say in which race you are born, but you have a say in which religion you are going to believe in. Sure, the one you are born into will have precedence, but it is possible to change. You can't change your race.
Oh, and the people on Y! answer, or RR, or Conservapedia would never ever make any anti-Muslim remarks, would they now?
Then equally, racism is applied to non-religion, and if you make anti-Atheist remarks, anti-Agnostic remarks, etc, you are being racist.
Works both ways, eh?
Ah, we can but dream, eh? Which is all fundies can do re. about how the world should be as they think it should be, and their resulting moans, bitches, gripes etc about how it isn't .
I like your kind of logic. In my case, exchange Cindy Crawford for Marilyn Monroe or Bettie Page, then... ermmmm... oooog...!
...excuse me, I need to change my trousers. X3
Er...no. Possibly bigoted, but not racist. Racism has to do with race not religion. Christianity is not a race, neither is Islam.
Fundy Word Redefinition for the Lose.
By this line of reasoning, Christians are also tremendous racists; all other religious beliefs are works of the devil and lead straight to hell. Religions almost always believe theirs is an exclusive path to God or truth; they all make claims that depricate and insult believers in other religious traditions.
So, we're born with a religion, like with race?. Oh wait, another idiot who thinks that Europeans can't be muslims or Middle Eastern or Asian people can't be Christian.
My best friend is a long-time Church of England Christian. He's a thoroughly decent chap.
Mo Farah:
He doing in the 21st Century - in 2012 London & 2016 Rio - what only Finland's Lasse Viren could in the 20th: win two Golds in the 5,000 & 10,000 Metres in two Olympics: 1972 Munich & 1976 Montreal.
For someone like Mo who is a devout Muslim, the only possible outcry, certainly remarks, from British people is if he's not awarded a Knighthood in the New Years Honours. And I'm one of them.
And I'm an Atheist . NEXT!
“Racism is also applied to religion,”
In the Old Testament, they were rather free with mixing race, religion, and nation for the Jews.
But CHrist supposedly welcomes all mankind, so it’s not a particular race.
Swing and a miss.
“and if you make anti-Christian remarks, anti-Muslim remarks, etc, you are being racist.”
Trump and his posse make a lot of anti-muslim remarks for racist reasons, but the remarks themselves are not racist.
Two propositions and they’re both wrong. Off you go.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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