I'm not sure if the TC is joking. But I agree with what he says. I have read much on the nature of the universe. And every thing I learn just strengthend my faith. When you really study how it's all put together, how everything works.... you realize there HAS to be a God. Hell, just the other day on The Universe, they were talking about how like back in the 90's or something, some star went supernova in such a way that it sent out a wave of energy. This energy, had it hit us, would have totally blown our atmosphere off into space in one gust of interstellar wind. But we were just far enough away that it dissipated before reaching us. Now, ask yourself, out of all the stars out, there logically....shouldn't that have happened by now? I see it as God protecting our planet.
You should pay closer attention to "how the universe works". It's not like you think.
The earth is bombarded daily with sub-atomic particles, in their hundreds of trillions, and that's just from our own little star.
You fail to grasp the immensity of the universe, and the fact that when we look at the stars, we are seeing light that has been thousands, even millions of years travelling to our vantage point.
Never mind, if it's not in your bible, it ain't so, right?
of course! he wants US to destroy the earth OURSELVES!
it makes so much sense now!
i'm gonna go buy me an SUV, praise jeezus!
I see it as our planet being in a calm part of the universe where there are no stars big enough to go supernova. Or else, you know, we probably wouldnt be sitting here talking about it. But anyway, isnt that heresy? I though the earth was only 6000 years old, remember?
Hell, just the other day on The Universe, they were talking about how like back in the 90's or something...
Watching "The Universe" (another shitfest in cable television's long line of science-for-drunken-idiots shows) makes you an expert on astrophysics not; finishing high school, several years of higher studies and then years of experience working as a researcher does. But then again you are the people who seek to sort this entire universe out with the help of scribbles put on decaying animal skin by illiterate cattle herders from more than 2000 years ago.
I love The Universe and am very rarely drunk nor am I an idiot.
:) Firstly, I'm happily willing to concede to exceptions in this case. Secondly, the reason for my rather resentful disposition towards this show (and the "drunken idiot" comment) is merely because of the rather overzealous approach of the "experts" towards simplification of science for us lowly masses. While it is true that at least some of the episodes from seasons 1 and 2 were quite decent (and perhaps you were fortunate enough to have seen some of those), but most of it (thanks to "the scientists" attempting to form analogies from what they view as "mainstream interests") ranged from condescending, to at times pretentious, to downright absurd. Anyway, the purpose of the comment was not to hurt anyone's feelings besides of course of the producers of that show.
@Brown Dwarf: Apology accepted. (Although I must admit I was a bit of an idiot on Sunday for failing to check the website of a local concert venue before taking the bus downtown to buy tickets to a show, only to find the box office closed. Arrgh.)
I'll probably still continue to watch The Universe, though...
I can't agree with Zikten in general, but one thing's for sure:
The universe will not take away that which I need to live. I am human. I have many needs. A near supernova would be the opposite, hence it is impossible.
I am not protecting the world. The universe is. It "knows" that I'm here.
Except for Mother Sun all stars are too far away to hurt us. God still likes to wing a rock at us and shake the world up once in awhile though.
I'm not sure when the date is (6 billion years maybe?) but Adromeda's coming in to wipe out the whole milky way. Nice God
I heard there ws a plane crash in Pennsylvania, oh, about 8 or 9 years ago. I mean a BIG plane, crashed in a field. If that thing had landed on my house in California, *whew!*, what a mess it would have made of my whole afternoon, I tell ya.
So, god.
And there's the proof he protects atheists, too. Probably to give me thought and a chance to repent my evil ways, so maybe I will.
Yeah, maybe.
And had your house been built on the Trinity atomic test site, the atomic energy, had it hit your house, would have completely blown your house to bits during the test. Now ask yourself, did your god have anything to do with your house not being built there? Was god protecting your house?
I think they were using an example of "if this were close enough, and directed at earth, here's what could happen...".
It wasn't, and it didn't.
One could also postulate, "If you collide with a concrete pole while driving your car, here's what could happen" and show you lots of graphic pictures. You didn't, and it didn't. Work of god? Hardly.
Wow, something amazing happening in the universe. I can't explain it, or comprehend other ways in which it could happen, therefore the only possible explanation is that my specific sky-pixie must be protecting us.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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