You forgot some other practices that have been developed through Darwinism:
Communism, Nazism, Racism, Atheism, Materialism, Amoralism, Scientism, Pantheism, Monopolism, Anarchism, Social Darwinism, Freudianism, abortion, drug culture, promiscuity, eugenics, genocide, chauvinism, bestiality, Satanism to name a few.
Let's see;
* Communism - Jesus advocated this in Acts.
* Nazism - was the continuation of anti-semitism promulgated by Christianity.
* Racism - was clearly evident in Genesis.
* Atheism - existed long before Darwin, Seneca at the time Jesus was alive said "Religion is regarded by the wise as false, by the foolish as true, and by the rulers as useful. "
* Materialism - again was clearly evident in the bible or Jesus wouldn't have advised against the evils of it - it's also the antithesis of Communism mentioned earlier. (I'll assume you didn't mean Naturalism, as fundies, particularly the Discovery Institute love to confuse the two. Looking for facts is not evil and again people knew a lot before the Christians burnt their books and plunged Europe into the Dark Ages.)
* Amoralism - you made this one up! Christianity has tried to claim responsibility for morals, as it has tried to claim responsiblity for Creation, as it has tried to claim responsibility for the sun rising and the winds - all are lies.
* Scientism - YOU MADE THAT ONE UP TOO - try Naturalism!
* Pantheism - you've got to be fucking kidding me, your frigging God used to be part of the Hebrew pantheon. Pantheism preceded monotheism in every culture by millennia.
* Monopolism - Holy shit - what like turning a Pantheism into Monotheism! There's your first fucking monopoly - state sponsored religion AND STOP MAKING WORDS UP!
* Anarchism - Jesus got crucified for rocking the establishment. It was round long before that - as long as there has been Government, there has been an opposing view which has been anything from Anarchism to Terrorism depending on the spin you want to take. You could also say Anarchism was the first form of goverment and preceded actual constitutions by tens of thousands of years.
* Social Darwinism - was idiots twisting and misinterpreting things to suit their own purposes (usually inaction) and was abstract philosophy more than anything tangible. Religious dogma is far more harmful and a far bigger perversion of the real message.
* Abortion - What - you're not going to make up abortionism - go read the original hippocratic oath from 2,000 years ago, it mentions abortion. The bible mentions abortion.
* Drug culture - Where did Darwin mention drugs you idiot? Jesus did! The bible did! Jesus even said don't judge the man by what he ingests - he also turned water into wine!
* Promiscuity - has existed for hundreds of millions of years.
* Eugenics - preceded Darwin, and again, afterwards people chose to twist his work to suit their own purposes. It did not cause the rise of Eugenics, nor did it further it's cause in anyway, in fact it lead to it's rapid decline.
* Genocide - is mentioned in 6 books of the bible and was demanded by God on many separate occasions.
* Chauve nism - preceded the bible, which was why when man wrote the bible it was such a mysogynistic pile of crap. Go read it!
* Bestiality started in the Garden of Eden and was forbidden in Leviticus thousands of years after 'Eden'.
* Satanism - dear God. Well at least you realise that this one might be true. Sadly of course Satanism is a misnomer as it doesn't have anything to do with Satan at all and isn't what you think it is. You actually got something right through sheer dumb luck!
Genocide, chauvinism, amorality, materialism, racism, abortion, bestiality, pantheism, monopolism and scientific thought all predate Darwin. Promiscuity predates human civilisation altogether.
Man, Geatz, you forgot shagism, bagism, Celine Dion, Manchester United, McDonalds, Microsoft, Dan Brown, Wal-Mart, British Airways, genital warts, American Idol and Rupert Murdoch. And don't forget we eat kittens, too!
Bestiality existed long before Darwinism did, as did Satanism... idiot. Genocide too. Promiscuity as well, drug culture, abortion, Freudianism, Anarchism, Monopolism, racism, materialism, amoralism, pantheism...
Besides, promiscuity(a look at any historical text works), murdery, racism and chauvinism exist LONG BEFORE Darwin said ANYTHING.
What's so bad about Freud? OK, so he has his own prejudices, but I don't understand how he fits in here. Come to that, I don't understand how most of those things fit in here, but I've never heard anyone denigrate Freud for being librul before.
I'd be very interested to hear Geatz's justifications for all of those.
The rest of his post is gold too:
Reasons why I don't believe 1 million Scientists over God
1) Scientists are men, God is an all knowing being
2) Do you really need more
3) Humans are never able to define anything as an absolute truth, however God can.
4) Evolution is a theory
5) There are a million scientsists who don't believe Evolution is fact
6) I have all the proof I need for our creation in the Bible, True Christians don't need more evidence.
7) Even if you need more evidence most biblical events have been authenticated only evolutionists harp on a few that have not "yet" been proven however no biblical events have yet to be disproven.
could go on but do I need too.
You forgot vampireism, werewolfism, zombieism, rastafarianism, pastafarianism, wahabbism, televisim, fundamentalism, invisibleism, relativism, absoluteism, priaprism.
And Microsoft Windows.
Sorry Kelian - well spotted, I did miss "FreudianISM". I swapped to Notepad because of a resizable editing window and accidentally missed that one off the list.
It's a little odd considering Freud was highly influenced by Greek and Classical thought and not "Darwinism" - then again it was an extremely odd list in general - fanciful to say the least. Downright delusory may be closer, or as Freud would class his defense mechanisms, Denial, Reaction formation and Rationalization - proving that Rationalization can be truly dangerous if there is no rational thought involved.
He probably needs to read, Moses and Monotheism (Der Mann Moses und die Monotheistische Religion, 1939) .
But seriously. Interpreting dreams, issues with parents. The bible is the classic place for this. If Freud was alive 2,000 years ago, Jesus probably wouldn't have suffered quite so badly from his Messiah complex. Jacob would've found out what his ladder was really about.
He forgot lust, gluttony, avarice, waste, wrath, sullenness, heresy, murder, suicide, blasphemy, homosexuality, fraud, pandering, seduction, flattery, simony, astrology, barratry, hypocracy, theft, counselors of fraud and schism, counterfeiters, traitors and the heartbreak of psoriasis.
Julian---exactly. One can also point out that "atheism" and "pantheism" kind of contradict each could evolution be responsible for both?
The only way that an idea can be used to justify 2 such contradictory philosophies is if the idea itself , evolution, has nothing to say about either of them.
You forgot some other practices that have been developed through Darwinism
Darwinism? You mean evolution?
Hmm, let's take a look at your list.
Communism: Modern communism is based on the ideas of Karl Marx, although the ideas have been around for awhile; Jesus was a communist, according to the Bible.
Nazism: Based on Hitler's ideas. Hitler was a Catholic creationist.
Racism: Existed throughout history. Expressly condoned and encouraged by the Bible.
Atheism: Existed throughout history; naturally, we were all atheists before someone invented religion. There have always been atheists.
Materialism: Has existed throughout history. Based on natural human instinct. Contradicts your earlier claim that evolution causes communism.
Amoralism: Has nothing to do with evolution. Very few people are completely amoral, if any. The Bible (like most holy books) tries to claim a monopoly on morality and apply the term "amoral" to everyone else.
Scientism: Please explain which definition of "scientism" you're using.
Pantheism: Predated Christianity.
Monopolism: Monopolies on resources have existed throughout history. Christianity hopes to claim a monopoly on peoples' minds.
Anarchism: Has existed throughout history. According to the Bible, Jesus was an anarchist, or at least pretty close.
Social Darwinism: A perversion of the theory of evolution used to justify the status quo.
Freudianism: Has nothing to do with evolution.
abortion: Has existed throughout history. Condoned by the Bible.
drug culture: Has existed throughout history. Early tribes learned what to smoke and knew how to produce alcoholic drinks.
promiscuity: Has existed since the first animal with sex organs.
eugenics: Predates evolution.
genocide: Has existed throughout history. Explicitly ordered in the Bible.
chauvinism: Has existed through most of history. Explicitly ordered in the Bible.
bestiality: Has likely existed throughout history. Has nothing to do with evolution. Was common enough 2,000 years ago for a Bible passage to condemn it.
Satanism: Is based on Christianity. Has nothing to do with evolution. Is not what you think it is.
Hang on, Communism, racism, pantheism, materialism, monopolies, anarch, drugs, genocide, beastiality, and chauvism predate the theory of evolution, and the rest arn't even related or are just words you made up.
The only two that don't predate evolution are Nazism and Scientism. Nazism, however practical in terms of breeding, was rigidly grounded in rather fanatical protestant Christianity alongside a helping of general superstition. "Scientism" just doesn't exist.
The first pantheistic philosopher that I know of was Spinoza, who lived 200 years before Darwin was even born. Also, people have been committing promiscuity, racism, and bestiality since there was people to commit them. And there have been techniques to trigger miscarriages for hundreds, if not thousands of years, again long before Darwin.
The only things in the list that have anything to do with the theory of evolution are Social Darwinism and eugenics, both of which were made up by people that didn't understand the theory of evolution.
And if you believe the Bible, many genocides have been committed at the command of God.
Many of those were around long, long before Darwin was born, stupid.
None of them have anything to do with adaptation and diversity through random mutations and natural selection.
Confusing facts in biology with social Darwinism, something else, and, blaming what you don't understand but puts old human myths in perspective, for all the ills of the world. Because somehow, your particular faith is responsible for all the peace and joy in the world and is the only source of "truth"...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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