RXSSR #fundie stormfront.org
I notice that many liberals tend to come in large numbers. They tend to be highly connected. Having lots of connections increases stress, which increases conditions such as high blood pressure, stress issues, anxiety, depression, and other conditions which can result in a heart attack or stroke. And these things would make one want to do drugs to cope with these social struggles. Hence, most of these connected liberals do a lot of drugs. They want to legalize harmful drugs such as heroin, LSD, ecstasy, or marijuana.
Liberals tend to have lots of friends in grade school. They tend to have more followers, friends, likes, and subscribers on social media. Even on political websites such as NationStates, the liberals on there come in large numbers. Isn't being highly connected like that ruling your life? Like if a lot of people knew a lot of stuff about my personal life, I would freak out and not sleep due to always worrying about what all of these people would think of me. I don't understand why (or how - Probably drugs) liberals would come in large numbers.
Hippies have lots of sexual partners. Hippies are all about friends and family. Hippies have a lot of gaining on social media nowadays. Yet, hippies are all drugged up, they're probably doing drugs to cope with this. Liberals complain about slavery, yet they all follow each other through peer pressure, and enforcing capitalist values onto each other. If one doesn't do what the crowd does under peer pressure, then they are kicked out of the crowd. One liberal can't sit at a table with potheads if they're not a pothead. Liberals following each other like this is a form of slavery, except there is no official ruler, and that it is "equal."
I'm not a really connected person. I like my social privacy, my quietness, my own space, my own personal social freedom, and not worrying about what others think of me. Liberals are not like this, yet they are all drugged up to cope with this liberal struggle they put themselves into because they are degenerate sheep.