[Re: Pokemon]
Now on to the bad , and this is very serious. First and foremost is that the theory of Evolution is promoted heavily on the show. The basic tenet of evolution is promoted: that all life evolves to become bigger and better.
all life evolves to become bigger and better.
That's not a "tenet" of evolution. Life simply evolves to adapt better to its environment.
Also, Pokemon don't evolve in the scientific sense of the word. Pokemon evolution is much more like maturation. For example, take a look at the insect Pokemon which start as larva (Caterpie, Weedle, etc.) then change into a cocoon (Metapod, Kakuna, etc.) and finally emerge as a winged insect (Butterfree, Beedrill, etc). That's a simple life cycle.
And furthermore, POKEMON IS FICTION! It does not pretend to be an educational series, and is not trying to "promote" anything other than its merchandise.
"First and foremost is that the theory of Evolution is promoted heavily on the show."
If you people bothered to acquaint yourselves with what the theory of evolution actually says , you'd realize that Pokemon uses the term "evolution" only metaphorically at best (or just plain inaccurately).
"The basic tenet of evolution is promoted: that all life evolves to become bigger and better."
And here you prove that your knowledge of evolutionary theory is completely bogus; it says nothing of the sort. (However, I'll give you partial credit for at least spelling the word "tenet" correctly instead of spelling it as "tenant," even though you are misusing the term.)
~David D.G.
I've always been amazed at how many fundies base their understanding of evolutionary theory on pokemon.
One time, a fundie-in-training idiotic teenager in a gaming related chat told me that evolution was "stupid" becuase "they never found an animal stuck evolving into another one"
He was named after a pokemon
I proceeded to tell him that he should base his knowledge of scientific theories off of scientific writings, and not video games, and also that he was too stupid to be allowed unsupervised computer use.
He cried.
Pokemon used the word evolution. That's where the similarities end. If anything you should be happy that people think pokemon is how evolution really works, as that helps foster disbelief in evolution. Come to think of it, I think pokemon even has a crocoduck...
Why, oh why, oh way, oh why ... do we as adults, need to explain such a simple concept as explaining the difference between Pokemon and Evolution?
I mean they must be adults as well, and surely the most closed minded fundimentalist must see that this is not how Evolution works. Ironically if such a thing DID happen it would DISPROVE Evolution!
What kills me basically, is the knowledge that children on mass understand this is not Evolution! If the Japanese wished to make a game that reflected the process properly, then the person playing would have died of old age, rotted, and eventually become part of aiding the Earth's efforts in restocking it's supply of oil before any serious change occured.
Here you go, Caustic Gnostic:
Also, #1077913 hurt my eyes...
Yeah. Pokemon (like many other games, shows, books, speakers, etc.) uses "evolution" in the sense of "change". You seem like the type who would use it, so it's kind of like the word "saved", which originally had one meaning, then you added another to it. You don't think every time someone says they saved something they brought it to Christ, do you?
Regarding the 700 Club:
Now on to the bad, and this is very serious. First and foremost is that the theory of creation is promoted heavily on the show. The basic tenet of creation is promoted: that all men must become mindless slaves to the fundy doctrine that their God created EVERYTHING and the Earth is only 6,000 years old.
I love the 'Harry Potter' series, but I don't believe it is a guide to British schools. I love 'Doctor Who', but I don't glean my physics knowledge that-a-way, I love Wodehouse, but don't consider it to be a historical representation of early-twentieth century Britain.
Fiction as science = failure.
Yes, the basic tenet of evolution is that all living things focus only on becoming bigger and better at fighting using various "elemental" powers after long periods of storage in a ball that is bigger on the inside. And never, ever within successive generations.
From the OP:
This show is highly sexually suggestive...They went from one couple to another all about whether or not they will have sex. In one scene two girls were watching a porn movie so that they can find out what guys want in a girl. In another, two guys hired a prostitute for their virgin friend.
I've never seen an episode of Pokemon but I seriously doubt that is true.
I'm sure I've joked about pokemon and evolution in the past, but if pokemon promotes anything, then what it calls evolution, isn't evolution.
Evolution, does not involve becoming bigger and better, its more adapting to a particular environment.
What pokemon does promote is the idea of a creature having multiple stages in its life. like frogs and butterflys. which in case anyone has been living under a rock for the past... ever, does actually happen.
God knows what they'd think if they found out in the pokemon universe God is a deer/dragon/giraffe/robot/thing that can be caught in a little ball by a 10 year old kid and be forced to fight other 'gods'. yeah they think evolution is the worst part of pokemon.
That same commenter then says that the show promotes "eastern mysticism" which is kind of an odd complaint about a show made in the Japan, as though she expected to see nothing but firm christianity all over the world.
The guy who invented it aboslutely loved bug collecting, they just used word "Evolution" because metamorphosis is hard to spell and pronounce for non-english speaking natives.
Only thing that is related to evolution is inheritance of genes and that is solely in games.
Bigger !
Better !
Bacon !!!
Evolution in Pokemon is the equivalent to a simplified representation of growth (or yes, an actual metamorphosis).
Is this fundie saying he doesn't support the idea of humans growing up to become bigger and better.
I mean, in his case it's probably not true, but at least for the rest of us...
Then they have got the "basic tenet of evolution" seriously wrong.
What about Tetris? It heavily promotes the Theory of Gravity; that all things are drawn down to Earth.
What? The basic tenet is just as "accurate".
You know what? You're crazy. Not just crazy, but batshit insane.
Even those nutbags at Conservapedia can tell the difference between Pokémon and evolution.
Sharks, kangaroos, and crocodiles today are much smaller than their distant ancestors, yet they survive very well. So much for all life evolving to be bigger.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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