(it's a fundie twofer!)
purplepeep: Should be wading hip deep in those billions of dang ever-elusive “transitional” fossils, Soap!
On-my-soap-box: LOL - purplepeep. I didn’t want to go there and get the evolutionists going and make this a thread jack.
You and I are trying to use facts against a Moby and we should be ashamed of ourselves! :wink:
Or a duckodile. Also: If there was a global flood, we WOULD be wading hip-deep in fossils. Global flood = lots of sediment (from carving out the Grand Canyon, the fjords, and so on in such a short amount of time) and lots of pressure (from the weight of the water) = buttload of fossils.
transitional fossils are sort of subjective. This lends to their cause of calling everything ever found a specific species...er, my bad, "kind", but beyond that there is another thing that all the fossils we dig up prove. Well a few things I suppose since we can test their ages and it clearly contradicts their preschool mentality that god created the Earth shortly AFTER we began recording history. There's also the fact that in god's creation we shouldn;t find fossils of thousands of extinct species. It simply doesn't make any sense. Particularly interesting is that god would make neanderthals since another species of humans is just kind of...well, unnecessary?
Anyway, next time you two jokers try to use facts try gathering some first.
I want a crocoduck. I would teach it to fly and feed it pieces of rancid meat laced with seed. I would cuddle it and make it my friend.
Then (and only then), I would set it upon those accursed creationists and yell "See! Look what your disproof of evolution has wrought!" I would watch as my crocoduck ate them . In small bits at a time.
And I would smile. For not only would I have my crocoduck as a friend, but finally Intelligent Design would be seen for the crock it is. And my crocoduck's corkscrew penis would never let them forget.
Damn it! I hate it when Creationists try to play it like they are the ones with facts on their side! All they have are faulty arguments against evolution and no claims supporting their own actual position except for "ooo, look at all the design!!1!1!".
Not every species that ever existed is going to fossilized, since fossilization is a RARE occurrence. Nonetheless, we have more than enough transistional fossils to support evolutionary theory, even though, even without a supporting fossil record, evolution's support in many different venues is more than enough to do without it. Fossils are just gravy, not the bowl.
Or a duckodile.
Bad. Wrong. No. The first part of a chimera's name represents the 'head' portion, and the second part represents the 'torso' portion. Hence, crocoduck is the correct term for the pic, and a duckodile would have the head of a duck and the body of a crocodile.
Amazingly enough fossils are EXTREMELY rare.
Luckily for you, though, science has shown that we ARE wading hip-deep in the decomposed bodies of other organisms!
And breathing their air.
And drinking their urine.
Makes you wonder if Michelle Malkin is a creo-tard IDiot. If I was a crazy right wing pundit who was NOT a creo-tard IDiot, I'd make every effort to distance myself from them, so people will know I'm just crazy and not THAT crazy.
You two self congratulating twitterpates do know that most remains stayed above ground, so they weathered away to nothing after the flesh rotted off, and only a small percentage managed to meet with the right circumstances to become fossilised, yes?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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