any HONEST scientist must admit; Natural selection and Darwin's evolution does not and cannot account for life as we see it in light of biological advances since Darwin's is getting 'weaker' in it's evidence and shrinking in it's serious proponents.
This does NOT mean that Christianity is therefore does mean that Darwin's evolution is DEAD...but, the science community wants to soak it for more time, power and money before it jumps to the next politically correct scienctific explanation for the cult of naturalism.
"any HONEST scientist must admit; Natural selection and Darwin's evolution does not and cannot account for life as we see it in light of biological advances since Darwin's is getting 'weaker' in it's evidence and shrinking in it's serious proponents."
And if you say so it must be true? Pardon me if I refuse to accept your bald assertions, even when you've casually tossed in the concession: "This does NOT mean that Christianity is therefore true..."
"any HONEST scientist must admit; Natural selection and Darwin's evolution does not and cannot account for life as we see it..."
An honest scientist will derive educated conclusions from the evidence that he/she is given. They won't just accept something simply because YOU think it's true.
it does mean that Darwin's evolution is DEAD
If you can actually find a working scientist in the field of Evolution who adheres down the line to Darwin's theories, trot him or her out please. We've had over 150 years of research since Origin. It's called science. You can learn about it at your public library, if your community hasn't burned it to the ground for having a Harry Potter book on the shelves by now.
Sorry. "Soaking" an exploded theory for more time, power and money is the church's racket. Science advances, religion retards. Nobody is getting money for setting up shop on a street corner and quoting "Origin of the Species". Scientific study is funded for profit.
any HONEST scientist must admit; Natural selection and Darwin's evolution does not and cannot account for life as we see it in light of biological advances since Darwin's death
Uh, yeah. So?
This does NOT mean that Christianity is therefore true
It's good that you can admit that.
it does mean that Darwin's evolution is DEAD...but, the science community wants to soak it for more time, power and money before it jumps to the next politically correct scienctific explanation for the cult of naturalism.
You should really learn how science works before you look even more like a jackass.
any HONEST scientist must admit...
I love how this is set up. If a scientist agrees with your point then he's being honest. If he disagrees--no matter how much evidence the scientist brings to support his assertions--by definition he's being dishonest.
Sauce for the goose: Any honest theist must admit that children are in imminent danger of being molested by their pastor.
Any honest Catholic must admit that the majority of priests are faggots.
ARGH!!! OK. Grammer Nazi behavior (apologies in advance). The word is "ITS" not IT'S!!!!! IT'S is a contraction of IT IS. ITS is the possessive pronoun. Please go back to basic grammer school and learn properly.
/end Grammer Nazi behavior.
There is nothing "politically correct" about a science which basically states that life diversifies as a result of a cruel environment constantly trying to kill you.
It's perfectly scientifically correct however.
Darwin's evolution does not and cannot account for life as we see it in light of biological advances since Darwin's is getting 'weaker' in it's evidence and shrinking in it's serious proponents.
Actually, it's getting stronger, now that we've got solid genetic evidence. And most people who actually see the evidence with an open mind come away shaken in their "Genesis as a science book" beliefs.
Someone should have posted the sentence that preceded this quote. It's priceless.
If natural selection is true...and we are evolving as a did Bush get elected to 2 terms president?
It's called stupidity, lack of education, outright lies, and massive doses of fear. The average Bush voter in the last election wasn't exactly the brightest bulb in the tree. The 22% that supported him to the last couldn't out-think bathroom mold.
"This does NOT mean that Christianity is therefore true"
Finally! Someone who sees the truth of the FSM's holy, saucy touch upon creation! Pasta-lujah!
See I read that as the current trend that Natural Selection is working against us humans; which it is, especially in the US and other 1st world countries - the crazy people have a shitload of kids, but the more highly educated you are the more likely you are to have one or even none. Therefore, some studies have shown that the overall genetic pool of "intelligence" is heading down the tubes along with IQs and such.
Of course, the above only serves to make me a little relieved I can't have kids and don't have to make a decision to raise them in this world.
I am currently getting a blowjob from a hot brunette supermodel.
Nope, just saying things doesn't make them true. Damn it, you got my hopes up.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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