The White Missionary #fundie
YOU,, your time is always ready! But let us imagine a happier place for you...
#2452 Struck By Lightening
Bible Truth Publishers
[The name of the subject in the following message has been changed from the original that we might imagine a better outlook for the Usenet user posting as ""]
It was Sunday afternoon, and the good news of salvation had just been presented to young people in the gospel hall. hurried out with the preacher's words still ringing in his ears: "He, that being often reproved [stiffens] his neck, shall sud-denly be destroyed, and that without remedy" (Proverbs 29:1).
Many times in his life, had definitely been "reproved" by the Spirit of God--"convinced" of his sinful nature, of his complete lack of righ-teousness, and of the judgment that would result if he continued in his present direction. Parents who honored and respected God and read the Word of God every day had brought him up. He knew that his parents prayed earnestly every day for his salvation.
Satan, the enemy of our souls, was quick to re-mind, "If you admit you are a sinner and be-lieve in Jesus as your Saviour, think of all the good times you will have to give up. You are young... wait until you are older!"
And did wait. Deliberately smothering the still, small voice of his conscience, he headed down to the lakeshore. There the usual Sunday af-ternoon visitors strolled around or sat on the grass. Some were reading newspapers and books, and others chatted with friends. avoided looking for any friends this time. Instead, he sat by himself looking out over the lake.
He noticed the white caps riding on wind-whipped waves. As he sat, black clouds rolled up from the horizon, covering the afternoon sun and rapidly hiding the clear blue of the sky. A storm was quickly approaching. Zipping up his jacket against the rising wind, quickly got up and hurried along the walkway.
Farther on was a big oak tree that he could stand under for some protection from the imminent storm. As he headed to the leafy shelter, saw two men hurrying toward the same tree, evidently also looking for shelter.
Jagged flashes of lightning and the clap of thun-der made break into a run. As he ran, he re-alized that sitting and watching the approaching storm instead of heading home had been unwise.
Suddenly, with an instantaneous lightning flash and an ear-splitting crash of thunder, the storm broke. Half blinded by the sudden downpour, ran for the tree where he had seen the two men take shelter. Were they still there? Would there be room for him under the tree? Straining to see through the blinding rain, could not see them until he was almost upon them.
What he saw was chilling! Flat on the ground at the foot of the tree lay the body of one man, killed instantly by the bolt of lightning. Kneeling at his side and sobbing was the other man.
The last part of the Bible verse the preacher had read earlier that day flashed across's mind: "Shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy." Suddenly the full importance of his own narrow escape burst into his mind. Supposing he had reached the tree and stood in its shelter, in-stead of this man now lying lifeless on the ground! In all honesty, he had to admit that if he were in this man's place--suddenly swept into eternity-- his soul would have been lost, because he was still in his sins. Broken down but grateful, thanked the Saviour for sparing him so that he could accept the salvation that is made possible by Christ's payment on the cross.
As you finish reading this true account, we re-mind you that your life has no guarantee. The next heartbeat may be your last. Are you ready to meet a holy God?
He gave His dear Son to die in your place. Christ died that you might live. Will you accept this gift of salvation that He is offering to you right now?
"Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation" (2 Corinthians 6:2).
"The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 6:23).
"It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for Him shall He appear the second time without sin unto salvation" (Hebrews 9:27-28).