Throughout history, "God's people" have turned their backs on God. They paid with their freedom and lives every time. Rameses, Darius, Cyrus, Nebuchadnezzar and so on. Those rulers brutalized the Jews worse than the Nazis ever did. I am of the opinion that the Holocaust was a result of, once again, "God's chosen people" ignoring His will and wishes and doing their own thing.
If that was the way 'God's people' get treated by him, I can't really blame them for turning their back on him.
What is your God other than a history long abusive relationship?
They don't hit you because they love you, it's because they're jerks!
They paid with their freedom and lives every time.
So, they lost their freedom because they didn't do exactly what they were told? That doesn't make any sense.
He's absolutely Biblically correct. Scriptorially speaking, evnts worse than the Holocaust were supposed to have happened, and were supposed to have happened because the Jews got all cozy with some other God every time Yaweh's back is turned.
And that scares me more than anything else.
a) You know practically nothing about the Nazi holocaust, beyond that it occurred.
b) God didn't do that; people did it - people who believed the Jews were responsible for their own poor treatment. People like you .
Sucks to be God's chosen people, doesn't it?
Considering that Yahweh seems to have ignored the world outside the Near East, natives of other countries are much better off without that kind of "love."
'I am of the opinion that the Holocaust was a result of, once again, "God's chosen people" ignoring His will and wishes and doing their own thing.'
The Jews are to be blamed for the holocaust because they weren't fundie christians. Yeesh.
Wait - did he just blame the Jews for their own attempted genocide?!
Oh. My. Cthulhu.
Please, be a Poe. Please, Please be a Poe.
so god choses a particular group of people for some reason, signles them out, and then if they don't meet his vague expectations he has them murdered all teh while paying no attention to any other group of people because they're not 'chosen'? Apparently is sucks to be god's "chosen peple".
Actually, with regards to the Egyptians. I assume you're referring to the poor Jews having to build the pyramids. Archaeological evidence suggests that the pyramids were built by paid, skilled workers. Probably farmers during the off season. As for the story of Exodus (Moses leading the Hebrews out of Egypt) Not, one iota of evidence to support any of it. While we're on the subject of the holocaust, it was not the result of "God's chosen people" ignoring his will..." it was the result of some crazy asshole coming to power and using the bible to justify genocide.
Shann wrote:
Wait - did he just blame the Jews for their own attempted genocide?!
More like, he blamed GOD for the Jews' attempted genocide.
The Old Testament's stories of Jewish history tends to read like a lot of retrospective fingerpointing. "How could Nebuchadnezzar destroy the Temple and enslave all of Judah? We're supposed to be God's chosen people! Oh, wait, I know -- we must've done something wrong, worshipped the wrong god here and there or failed to follow the rules for making animal sacrifices. Yeah, that's it, that's the ticket."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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