The order of events and the knowledge contained in Genesis one is very unusual. What are the chances that nomads could have the knowledge and events of the universe in the right order? How many numbers in the big lottery? The order of creation is correct. (Don't equate this with creationism.) You see the first light, Cambrian explosion of life. The size of the creatures in the ocean. The kind of life that came from the ocean to dry land, insects, seeds, pro and eukaryotic life. Early in Genesis there is a mention of creating on the surface of the waters. Something happening on the surface of a fluid is the description of the information contained on the surface of a black hole. Leonard Susskind talks about the very new idea (2008) of the Holographic universe. Stone age man could not know what we know by advanced Scientific study. By Occam's razor there had to be an observer that was 14.5 billion years old to tell them. No one was to have proof until the age of knowledge. Brrr Ky draft!
The nomads didn't know shit, the fact you believe it speaks volumes about your gullibility.
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What about the order of events in Genesis 2? They don't match Genesis 1...
It's pretty clear that the ones writing the Bible didn't know much about the geology and history of Earth.
Writing about something that have happened (or is supposed to have happen) is not like numbers in a lottery, silly.
Cambrian explosion is just a mere 500 million years ago. Light (and the stars that emit it)had existed for billions of years before that.
Size of creatures in the ocean? They are all possible kinds of sizes, silly; from single-cell organisms to blue whales.
What does "the surface of a fluid" have to do with "the surface of a black hole"?
We don't even have to go to cosmology to find all that's wrong in Genesis; which is just about everything. Riddle me this. If God was imparting knowledge of the earth to the authors of the Buybull; why didn't He mention Australia, Antarctica, or the entire Western Hemisphere?
What are the chances that nomads could have the knowledge and events of the universe in the right order?
I think you've got the cart before the horse there in thinking that they couldn't have been wrong because you believe what they wrote is right. And yet, you're so close but sooo far, because there's absolutely no chance that scientifically illiterate desert nomads could have known how the earth and all life on it came about.
And what about that firmament thing which is supposed to be way up there in the sky? If authors of the bible were so intelligent, why did they think there was a dome over the sky (implying a flat earth)?
"What are the chances that nomads could have the knowledge and events of the universe in the right order?"
They don't. Like the Bible's assertions you religious people have a strong bias to assume the order is correct JUST because it's in the Bible.
Well, if you take the bible literally, we live in the Universe version 2.0. I wonder what happened to Universe v 1.0?
God must have created two universes if the bible is to be taken literally as Genesis describes two different creation events.
God, in its infinite wisdom, somehow created plant life on the third day, before it created the Sun. No doubt photosynthesis was part of the fall, akin to how all carnivores were once vegetarian. *Yawn*
Also, is this moron aware that life did exist before the Cambrian explosion, even somewhat complex life? God thought it had something with the Ediacaran fauna, but realised it made an error, so it killed them off (with God, this is to be expected), so it could wind its way through 600Ma until it finally could have the pinnacle of its creation; us. However, it's still not happy, as everything we do seems to bring it to the point where it'd seriously consider wiping us all out for disobedience. All those billions of years would then be wasted.
Actual "creation" order:
Light (Day 1)
Stars (Day 4)
Sun (Day 4)
Earth (Day 1)
(Liquid) water (Day 1)
Plants (Day 3)
Fish (Day 5)
Mammals other than whales and humans* (Day 6)
Birds* (Day 5)
Whales (Day 5)
Humans (Day 6)
*which came first is a toss-up
They don't look the same to me.
"The order of events and the knowledge contained in Genesis one is very unusual. What are the chances that nomads could have the knowledge and events of the universe in the right order?"
Microscopically tiny. That's why Genesis is hilariously wrong.
Everything that follows from that sentence is a just a huge jumble of non-sequiturs and word salad that's impossible to make sense of.
"The order of events and the knowledge contained in Genesis one is very unusual. What are the chances that nomads could have the knowledge and events of the universe in the right order? How many numbers in the big lottery? The order of creation is correct. (Don't equate this with creationism.)"
"What are the chances that my specific interpretation of how the universe came into existence is the right one? Impossible, right? Right! So, of course my interpretation is exactly how it happened. Don't question me."
"Stone age man could not know what we know by advanced Scientific study. By Occam's razor there had to be an observer that was 14.5 billion years old to tell them."
"No you!" "Were you there" is not an acceptable argument, either. Try again.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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