"I believe that some people can't believe in God because they can't."
No, it's because he can't prove his existence to me personally, to my satisfaction. You & your so-called 'beliefs' based on your so-called 'Bible' don't enter into it.
"This is part of my worldview that God created everything in what is called theistic evolution."
No, it's just your refusal to acknowledge that not everyone has the same 'beliefs' as yours. Or lack of such. Must be cold in that river in Egypt, josh.
"IOTW's God created all of the animals, and in what we call animals are beings that look like us but don't have the necessary component of a soul."
Prove the 'soul' exists. Oh that's right, you can't. Therefore it doesn't exist.
"This theory of mine explains who Cain's wife is. In short, there are people ( who I wouldn't call human) that are just as smart as us, because they have to be. It's a survival instinct."
Or we live our lives by the simple rules 'Treat others as you would like them to treat you. 'I wouldn't like to be killed/harmed, nor would I like my property stolen/damaged, so why should I want to do the same to others?'. 'Commit acts of gratuitous kindness'. 'Be good for goodness' sake'. See? All the morals you'll ever need. No 'God' required.
"They just can't believe in God, because a it doesn't occur to them to, like dogs or cats..."
Dogs & cats occur, when they mate (and that's dog x dog, and cat x cat; genetic incompatibilities, and all that jazz), just as 30% of people are caused by accidents. Cats & dogs exist. People exist. Your 'God' doesn't.
You do the maths, josh.