And to be honest, the people who talk about having "unwanted" babies are full of crap. Obviously you did want it, because you got pregnant. Otherwise you would have been more careful.
Of course you wanted to fall overboard, otherwise you would've kept your sea legs together.
Of course you pissed your pants just for attention, if you didn't want to wet yourself you would've gone to the bathroom.
Wonderful logic, that.
Apart from the fact that I don't think this guy had rape, incest or unexpected situations where children may not be the best news such as unexpected poverty or a sudden family crisis or illness, he has to understand that having sex doesn't mean, necessarily, desire to have children. Otherwise, people over 50 would have lost their sex drives long ago. And regarding the basics of reproduction, getting pregnant is not a matter of will precisely(the opposite can happen, how many people who want to have children can't because not every time you have sex you get pregnant?).
My aunt, who is extremely religious and has very irregular periods, was one day shaking when doing a pregnancy test. Why?, because she and my uncle were having finantial problems, my cousin, then a toddler, was having problems with schooling, she had been recently operated from a problem in the kidneys, etc...............when the test turned negative, she sighed with relief, not because she was full of crap and was selfish but because, if she had to choose, she preferred not to have babies at the moment.
This reminds me of a funny metaphor.
Ok, go stand over her next to this tarp.
Ok, now put that handcuff on so you're attached to that pole.
All right, now hold still while this machine gun turret rapes you.
I don't want a fucking baby. I hate babies. That's why I take every precaution I can--condom, spermicide, BC pills, and the morning-after pill just in case.
Obviously, I DON'T FUCKING WANT A BABY. If I got pregnant, it'd be off to the Planned Parenthood with me.
And to be honest, the people who talk about having "unwanted" babies are full of crap. Obviously you did want it, because you got pregnant. Otherwise you would have been more careful.
Says the people who preach against prophylactics.
Sex does not result in pregnency every single time, just because a person has sex does not mean that they want a baby, some couples try to avoid sex at the time when the woman is most fertile, others use condoms or other prophylactics, but some times contraception fails. My ex wife got pregnant with my oldest son in spite of the fact the she had a Norplant(TM) implant.
Some people are just not capable of dealing with a child, does that mean that they should be celibate for life? Some teens have sex without the use of contraception because they have never been taught how or when to use it (Thanks to Abstinence Only sex ed.) does that mean that they wanted a baby?
Sex is the means of procreation, but procreation is not the only reason people have sex. And neither you nor any religious zealot has the right to say wether or not a pregnency is wanted or unwanted.
“And to be honest, the people who talk about having "unwanted" babies are full of crap.” \
Because accidents never happen?
“Obviously you did want it, because you got pregnant. Otherwise you would have been more careful.”
So, if you’re ever in a car wreck, your insurance shouldn’t pay out? Because obviously you wanted it or you’d have been more careful?
Never mind if the brakes failed or the light didn’t function, it’s all ON YOU. And there are no accidents.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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