Tony Perkins #fundie
If Americans don't want to take our word on the real gay agenda, they can take S. Bear Bergman's. The Canadian activist was shockingly blunt about her movement's motives - which she says she's tired of hiding [editors note: Berman is a "female-to-male transgender" and is therefore a "she" who calls herself a "he"].
The head of a Toronto publishing company, Bergman said she was taught how to use "soft" language when speaking about homosexuality - and not to betray the real goal, which was recruiting.
For years, activists wanted to keep the goal of ensnaring children into sexual confusion under wraps. Now, having hoodwinked most of the country on their agenda, these extremists no longer have to hide. In fact, they are increasingly bold - almost boastful - about their real intentions. Although Bergman admits to wanting to "indoctrinate" and "recruit" children, her description of the LGBT agenda is far less honest. [...] She assumes that people who criticize homosexuality do so because they do not "like" gay people.
That couldn't be further from the truth! Some in fact are very nice people, they are friends, neighbors and even relatives. We care about them, we pray for them. That's why we're even more sad about the fact that in one area of their life, their sexuality, they choose to engage in conduct that the research shows is harmful. It's not about "who they are" - in fact, we think too highly of them to identify their personhood on the basis of their sexual conduct. "Who they are" is a person created in the image of God, and infinitely precious to him. What they do, however, is contrary to his will, to nature, and to good public health. And we care too much about them and society to be silent.