About the fossil thing. I am about to make you look silly---be warned. THAT WAS A DIRECT QUOTE FROM A SCIENTIST. Kent Hovind. You can go look him up if you want.
Seriously, though, does anyone actually take Hovind seriously? Aging being caused by the sun xraying us, an ice dome around the Earth, chameleons becoming dinosaurs if they live long enough?
pfffffff-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Hahahaha! Haha! Oh, man, that was a good one.
Oh, wait, you're serious? Let me laugh even harder.
Even the use of CAPS LOCK makes Hovind no more of a scientist than I am Miss World.
Thanks for the laugh, though. You livened up my Sunday morning no end.
I'm still waiting for you to make me look silly. Guess I'll be kept waiting, as that was written 7,5 years ago...
I have looked Kent Hovind up, and I found not a smidgen, not one iota of evidence for him being a scientist.
In Europe, I'd guess more people know him as "that fundie who got himself landed in jail for tax-fraud", than as "that fundie 'scientist'".
Plus, very few of us (among the few who actually know he exist, that is) can tell a difference between Kent Hovind and Ken Ham.
He owed the IRS About 450,000 dollars in unpaid employee payroll taxes and incidental taxes. I can't do the math without the tax rates and particulars but I'd say it's pretty safe to assume he scammed at least 3 million dollars off stupid creationists needing someone to support their fantasy. This would only be on money that they discovered upon investigation, probably a lot more they couldn't find.
Referring to this link:
This 'thesis' contains NO original research and NO actual accepted scientific content. It would not be accepted as a Baccalaureus dissertation at any reputable university, still less as a Magister or Doctoral thesis.
Since obtaining this worthless qualification, Ken Hovind has performed NO scientific experiment nor any form of scientific research. On what factual data do you base the statement that he is any kind of scientist?
(emph-ass-is added):
"About the fossil thing. I am about to make you look silly---be warned. THAT WAS A DIRECT QUOTE FROM A SCIENTIST. Kent Hovind. "
Oh no more, please Mr. Wilde, I am bereft of ribs! I'm the 'silly'? You thilly ! [/hyper-sarcasm]
"You can go look him up if you want."
Sure, next time I'm in Colorado. I'm sure ol' Kentypoos needs all the visitors he can get whilst he's in jail. >:D
"Kent Hovind. You can go look him up if you want."
...if visiting hours allow for such (and have to be vetted in advance with the prison governor). Meanwhile, Bubba's doing more than just looking up Kent 'Oh, Mark 12:17 doesn't apply to me!' Hovind.
PROTIP: A clue: It rhymes with 'Looking'. >:D X3
he/she had me going until Scientist Kent Hovind.
* bwahahahahahaha bwahahahahah falls off chair*
I doubt anyone on this site needs to look up who Kent Hovind , aka Dr Dino is.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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