"Why are there genetic abnormalities? It is not God's fault. God created us with a perfect gene pool."
Which was then fucked all to hell by a woman eating an apple. I'm not sure I'd call that a "perfect" gene pool.
"It is the sin of men that lead over time to mutate genes so that we now have many congenital conditions."
If "sin" can supposedly corrupt your god's "perfect" gene pool then the gene pool was, obviously, not "perfect" or it would not have such a vulnerability.
Your god is also omnipotent, a fact people such as yourself conveniently forget when making such arguments, and could therefore have corrected the problem at any time. Not to mention the fact that if an omnipotent entity creates something there is absolutely no fucking reason it should ever become less than perfect unless it was intended to be that way from the beginning.
So, either your god intended genetic abnormalities to begin with or he is not omnipotent as he obviously did not create any sort of "perfect" gene pool, as evidenced by the fact that there are a whole host of rather unpleasant mutations that can appear.
"If Adam and Eve had not chosen to sin, we would still have a perfect gene pool. Sin, for example, causes diseases. Some of those diseases cause chromosomal changes, which leads to a contaminated gene pool."
Either your god created a "perfect" gene pool through his omnipotence which, by definition, would have been incorruptible or your god intended just what we see or your god is not omnipotent. Then there's the most obvious reason: your god does not exist. However, for the sake of argument I'll take it for granted that he does exist. So, which explanation do you find the most likely?
"St. Paul said it, Romans 1:26-27 "For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. Their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural, and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in their own persons the due penalty for their error."
Disease is the natural result of homosexual sin, but also to all sin."
Show "sin" exists as something other than a religious device of psychological manipulation and control.