The man is a tool of Satan
And you know this how? Special revelation? Or just personal predjudice?
(and as you know I believe he's much more than that)
And what you believe is completely irrelevent to reality.
and he will do and say whatever Satan wants him to do and say.
Again, you know this how? People much like yourself have claiming and attributing evil or "satanic" motives to polititions and public figures you dislike for decades. But when it comes down to it your motives are neither religious nor altruistic, but rather selfish petty character assassination meant to defame a politician to advance a decidedly partisan agenda.
Of course he mocks scripture
And now you claim knowledge that you could not possibly possess, yet you assert it as fact. That's also known as lying, one of the things I'm pretty sure your "god" didn't want you to do.
Satan hates The Word of God
How is it a book by a dozen or more authors, seperated by decades and centuries, and assembled by a commitee in order to advance a particular agenda and theology, can possibly be considered the "word of god"?
He will one day pay for those remarks
What remarks? The ones you claim to "know" he must have made because you "know" he's an agent of "Satan".
and for other things he's done and said.
Like what? More stuff you "know" he must have said and done, right?
I pray for his children.
I doubt you give to shits about his children, and I'm certain you'd run them down too if you felt you could benefit from it.